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RE: Violent video games found not to affect empathy

in #politics7 years ago

Honestly, whether studies support it or not, I can't see Violent Video games NOT affecting people - especially children.

I'm in the camp that children and young adults should not be exposed to the gratuitous violence found in these video games. Maybe it doesn't effect "empathy" but it sure does have a (negative) effect.


So are you saying, if the science points to a result which feels wrong then you'll ignore the science?

The study says what it says and the evidence points where it points, with a good deal of statistical certainty.

@dana-edwards - Excellent comment. I have nothing against science.

Yet, I do believe they we all should judge for ourselves whether we believe the evidence shown is in alignment with our own thoughts/beliefs.

There are too many studies funded by parties that have a conflict of interest and too many ways to slant the results.

Just saying healthy skepticism is a good starting point when looking at new data.