Who is the richest man on earth? Bill Gates, Nop!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)


1.Who are the wealthiest men in the world?

A. Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffet etc....

Those are the answers you are gonna get from the most people. But we can't actually blame the people for that, there is a reason why they think the way they think. They are conditioned to believe about the world in such and such manner and behind that conditioning is mainstream media. If you think, you know the very reason behind some media reports or propaganda is to hide some real report from the masses this way they can prevent people from questioning.

For example, Forbes each and every year releases a list of world's richest people and the names go on with the very familiar faces in the corporate world like Bill Gates, Jeff Bessos, Warren Buffet etc...

Naturally as a well known mainstream media, people take it for truth without realizing the very intention of this list is to hide the real richest and wealthy people who even control how the world govt and banks work sometimes even the people in the list. They even own the money you use that also means we are slaves to their system.

This video is great start if you really want to know about them. Watch it and tell me what you think about such people.

Rothschild - The Family Who Owns The Earth

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I truly wish you were, the world would be much better place :)

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Steem has the possibility to be a real functional currency. Wont it be fantastic to have money that isn't totally fictional? The monetary system right now is so broken.
When BlockPay gets integrated around the world we'll just blog, get paid, buy coffee.

I totally agree but I think it is still better than the paper money made out of thin air and controlled by psychopaths at the top of the pyramid.... hopefully Steem takes on the fiat and liberate the mankind.....

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