The solution to stopping violence is not banning guns, giving tanks to police, and increasing surveillance. Those methods will destroy freedom long before they end violence. To end violence you must destroy the source.
The solution to stopping violence is not banning guns, giving tanks to police, and increasing surveillance. Those methods will destroy freedom long before they end violence. To end violence you must destroy the source.
Could be but Australia has managed to eliminate mass shootings. From 1979-1996 (before gun law reforms), 13 fatal mass shootings occurred in Australia, whereas from 1997 through May 2016 (after gun law reforms), no fatal mass shootings occurred.
Gun death rates in the U.S. were 11.2 per 100,000 people in 2015. That compares to a rate of 1.2 per 100,000 people in Australia.
A 2014 study found that guns hurt or kill about 10,000 American children each year.
To see how Australia did it, watch this short video (2 minutes).
Oh but that might reduce freedom!
Perhaps, but why are we sacrificing our children at the altar of freedom? Why not be pragmatic and consider the cost of Libertarian ideology? Why not value life as much or more than we value an ideology?
We already agree that keeping firearms from convicted felons is not only a good idea but also isn't contrary to our Constitution. We just need to move farther in that direction as the will of the people gets translated into laws put through Congress. Hopefully before another 100 kids get slaughtered on our school grounds.
20 million people die of poverty a year. Every gun we keep out of the hands of the working class is just going to allow more to die.
How's that?
every second we delay revolution we allow more to die.
Ah gotcha. It could be your version of revolution is obsolete.
not really
May be yes, but i think that is impossible
how would that be impossible?
or this