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This post was given a rating of: 0.9953285143739599
This post was voted: 100% This post was submitted for curation by: @anarchyhasnogods

See, even the muppets and puppets know it, still so many people close their eyes to not see the truth and put their hands on their ears hoing lalalalala

Couldn't agree more about the first three points and personally I favour an agorist free market. However I suspect that anthropogenic global warming is being used too usher us all into a global dictatorship. Check this out if you're interested.

how about you get the fuck out of here with your alt-right BS

AnCaps are always fun. :/

not the words I would typically use

Lol. OK. I'll leave you to your unshakeable convictions. Keep your faith! Sorry if disagreeing with you has offended your identity so deeply.