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RE: Poverty, Control, and Capitalism

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

A worker goes to work to produce resources for humanity. A capitalist controls the property, and thus demands everything the worker produces. He then gives the worker a portion of what he produces back in something you call a wage. To sum it up, the worker pays the capitalist to labor much like he pays the government to labor through taxes.


You have a deeply flawed view of how value is created. Despite what Marx wrote, value is not added through labor; it is subjective, and value is given through utility. Perhaps you should start trying to understand this. Try to look up "utility value".

value is the socially necessary labor needed to produce something. The utility value does not matter, for a very simple reason. We can fucking make more of something if we need more.

The value of an object is what it takes to create if we can create objects based on need instead of profit for the rich lmao