My political compass and my ideas

in #politics8 years ago

EDITORS NOTE: This is basically a copy of an article on my blog, but since the chance that I write something politically motivated is pretty damn high, it might be useful to list where I stand on things.

Just to clarify, I'll explain what my policial and social viewpoints are. I often disagree with liberal leftists, who then promptly assume I'm on the right-hand side of the political spectrum, while I'm actually pretty far removed from that, other than that I agree with a few things that the conservatives like to put forward. Just because I think modern day feminism and social justice is dangerous and harmful, doesn't mean I'm automatically part of the alt-right. I find many of the alt-right viewpoints deplorable. But the so-called 'liberal left' likes to lump people into boxes, I guess.

To summarize:

  • As stated before, I think social marxism and current day intersectional feminism are pointless and harmful to society.
  • Black lives matter is a terrorist organisation.
  • The glass ceiling and wage gap are debunked: [youtube
  • Diversity is nice, but shouldn't overrule merit. Same goes for gender equality in the workspace. Just have competent people in the right positions. I couldn't care less which end the scale tips.
  • Reverse racism doesn't exist. Racism is still racism, no matter how you spin it.
  • Treating white heterosexual men any way differently than anyone else is just as racist and discriminatory as mistreating someone from a so-called minority group
  • There are 2 genders. Non-binary is bullshit. Period. Yes, people transition from one to the other, and I have no problems with that, but such cases are uncommon. People that firmly believe they are one of the 40+ tumblr genders need to seek professional help.
  • Raising your pre-teen/pre-pubescent kid to be 'trans' or 'non-binary' is tantamount to child abuse.
  • Government should be small
  • Government should stop patronizing it's citizenry.
  • Political Correctness is social cancer
  • Everyone has a right to offend and to be offended.
  • Unbridled free speech, no matter how controversial.
  • The European Union is undemocratic, and should either be completely reformed or done away with. Given the glacial pace the EU moves, I prefer the latter.
  • The Euro is a failed currency.
  • Mass immigation is a bad idea. Open borders too.
  • Politics should be transparant. I'm paying tax, and I would like to see what happens to my hard earned money.
  • I do care about the environment. Wind and solar are pollution. Nuclear power is the future.
  • (strict!) Seperation of church and state. No parties with religion at it's core. Religious people are welcome to join secular parties.
  • I really don't give a toss who you sleep with and what sex that other person has. Neither do I care what sex the person is that you marry. And if you are a good pair of parents, you should be able to adopt.
  • Abortion should never be made illegal, although I would prefer that people just don't have kids. Anti-conception, folks. Still cheaper than raising a kid. But a rape victim might not have a choice in that matter.
  • On that note, cat-calling is not rape. Forced involuntary coitus is. Yes, this is a simplification.
  • Veganism is unhealthy for most people. That's just my personal opinion. Otherwise, I really don't give a shit about your dietary preferences.
  • I don't care what you believe, or what color your skin is.
  • Most beliefs are stupid. Including my own.
  • Belief and religion are not the same things. A belief is your own. A religion is someone telling you what and/or how to believe. I have serious reservations about the latter.

That's quite a list, and some things are kryptonite to some people. Funnily enough I generally sit more in the classic libertarian end of the spectrum. Don't believe me? Here's a snap of my political compass:

As I have said in other posts, I've been leaning more and more towards the center, but I am way too libertarian to be classed completely right-wing.

I hope that clears things up a bit.