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RE: U.S. Senator Mysteriously Denied Access to Child Immigrant Detention Center

in #politics6 years ago

The kids wouldn’t be separated from their supposed parents if their parents hadn’t brought them or paid someone to get into the US illegally in the first place. It wouldn’t be so bad IF the senator were actually interested in the children & made a mistake then corrected his misleading info rather than continuing to perpetuate the lies - falsely blaming “Trump”. He obviously didn’t bother checking into the situation or if he did he’s purposely lying about it.
Regardless, the facility sounds suspicious BUT did he present credentials when his crew wanted to go in? I definitely believe congress persons should be allowed to go in as well as certain other officials. Who is supposed to be part of its oversight and who is responsible for hooking it up with a government agency?

ACORN was also supported by obama, was exposed by James Okeefe years ago, finally defunded by congress and went bankrupt during obama’s presidency.

I hope this gets a lot of attention because it seems like every time these liars blame President Trump, it boomerangs right back to the democrats.