Here's something interesting.. And I can't take any credit for this. A guy here on steemit posted this... And.. I really have no idea if it's true or close to true or just totally wordplay made up in this guys mind.. But.. Check this out.
A mer i c A
A mirror eye see A
I'm butchering this but.. A is kind of the.. Pyramid and capstone/eye. Then we have the word MER, which comes from MERE, which means like.. Water basically, kinda like "Mer-maids" And water is often a reflecting thing.. For example Narcicist was suppose to have died by falling into the mirror of his own reflection and drowning. So, it's not a huge stretch to see the word MER as MIRROR.. They even have very similar phonetic sounds.
then we have the IC, which I assume means EYE SEE and then another pyramid capstone/eye.. Which mirrors the one at the beginning and these occult people love their reflections and "as above so below" and all that kind stuff.. So.. If you look at the word America.. It really doesn't seem that far fetched to read it this way.
A mirror I see A
The guy who i got this from is suggesting that America is a mirror, a duality, something for us to reflect at.. And I agree. It is.. But is that what was intended with the word?
We also have things like the CIA SEE EYE pyramid capstone/eye.. Is this coincidence? Or is there a secret language going on here?
It is also suggested, even by someone as profoundly influential as Manly P Hall that America also means basically a "Plumed Serpent" to the natives and to some in the occult it basically means "Lucifer"..
SO... Is America God's chosen land like many super patriots think? Is it a Christian land when we have our main war center built on a place formerly called "Hell's Bottom" and it's in the shape of a pentagon/pentagram?
Do you Christians ever feel weird that your monuments and crosses and idols are illegal on government property, but the occult powers that are in power can flaunt their obelisks and pyramids and eyes all over the place? Hmmmm...
What is this place really? Who are we? or.. US? And, who are.. "They"? -.-
thats really interesting... hmmm
Indeed! These kinds of things really fascinate me. ._. Especially as someone who is so into language and writing and stuff. So I'm sure you can relate a lot in that area as well!
Also.. I was just thinking.. America has also been called the "New Atlantis" by some in the occult, I wonder if there is a connection there with the word "Lemuria" (mur/mer) which is often connected to that whole ancient civilization that was supposedly lost under the ocean when it flooded.. -.-
Why not "A mirror I see A"?
Didn't I say that? I'm confused by your response?
I just reread it and I did say that "A mirror I see A".. Perhaps you missed that part?