Whether you believe Bernie Sanders is right or wrong, you should read this post. I'm going to show you absolute proof Bernie Sanders is wrong and an idiot. It's not going to take a full exposé either. I can take him down with just this one post. If you're a Bernie Sanders supporter, this one thing alone should be enough for you to stop supporting him.
There are 3 possible scenarios that could explain this:
- Bernie Sanders didn't write the description below the image (some idiot did)
- Bernie is intentionally lying the masses, preying on their ignorance because he know most people are clueless to how things work
- Bernie is just really dumb
Trust me, trump pays a lot more in real estate taxes than probably anyone sharing this post pays in income taxes. And his kids aren't even in the school systems he's supporting. Not to mention all the payroll taxes Trump has to pay for his employees. Plus his employees pay income taxes thanks to the jobs he has created.
As far as supporting the military with tax dollars, that's not as patriotic as Bernie Sanders makes it out to be. We spend far too much money on military spending. We spend about as much as the rest of the world combined! That's obviously not for defense. Who are we defending ourselves from? The rest of the world? We spend money on defense like we're paranoid and thinking the rest of the world is teaming up against us in some major global conspiracy.
Most of the people who don't pay taxes are poor. The rich pay far more in taxes than the poor. They create jobs too.
This is a logical fallacy. Corporations have more flexibility tax-wise so they can write off stuff, unlike employees. But not everyone is going to own their own business. What Bernie is saying makes no sense. Yea, we wouldn't have a country. But that's not because of Trump. It's because we wouldn't have any employees! We can't all be business owners. We wouldn't have a government without government employees. That's starting to sound good now.
Not only does Trump pay sales tax and property taxes, he has to pay social security and medicare taxes for every employee he has. So not only is he creating jobs, but he's paying lots of taxes! It's just not considered income tax so people easily overlook. Largely because the majority of people don't even know employers match the social secrurity and medicare taxes they pay, because they're employees.
Why Bernie Sanders is Wrong About Trump's Taxes
Perhaps the most misleading statement in Bernie Sanders' post is when he implied that Trump doesn't have to pay taxes because he has friends on Capitol Hill. That's not the reason Trump didn't have to pay taxes for years. The real reason is because the IRS didn't require him to. Who would pay more taxes than the IRS requires? Do you? I'm sure Bernie doesn't.
There's a good reason why the IRS allowed Trump to not pay taxes. We're only required to pay taxes on income. Trump lost a lot of money. When he makes his money back it's not income. He already paid taxes on the money when he made it the first time. If you lose money you in business you don't make any income until after you've broke even. Bernie evidently doesn't understand Trump's tax situation. He's so far off it's hard to believe he's being honest about it. To me, it looks like purposely lying to the people because it's harder to believe he's that dumb.
More Dirt on Bernie Sanders
This is just the tip of the iceberg of reasons I don't agree with Bernie. I wrote a post that explains why Bernie Sanders can't be trusted. And in 2011, in a post on his site he praised Venezuela for being more equal saying it's more apt to realizing the American dream. Well, now they're equally poor! I wonder what Sanders has to say about it now, or if he'd admit it's because of the same types of polices he's pushing for in America.
Also, check out Tom Woods' free ebook Bernie Sanders Is Wrong. And just in case all of that isn't enough to convince you, or if you'd rather listen to audio or watch video, watch or listen to Stefan Molyneux's video podcast The Truth About Bernie Sanders.
Hos did this not go viral? SMH.
The thing is, you don't need complicated routes to find a negative about Bernie. The over riding issue is simply, he endorsed the party that cheated him, and the person he was running against on theoretically intellectual and moral grounds.
I would think that would be enough to raise questions for everyone, apparently this is not the case?
This is a good post. You should repost it (Throwback Article: Bernie Sanders- Still Wrong)
Or something like that. It's worth the read.