The court in The Hague ordered Russia to pay 5.4 million euros for the detention of the vessel with activists of Greenpeace
The International Arbitration at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague recognized that Russia violated the law of the sea when detaining the Arctic Sunrise ship with activists of Greenpeace in September 2013. Participants of the protest action intended to get on the oil platform "Prirazlomnaya" of the company "Gazprom".

Detention of activists trying to get on the platform of Gazprom. A photo BBC
According to the court's decision, Russia must pay 5.39 million euros for the arrest and arrest of the ship. The resolution on compensation was adopted unanimously.
The court also allowed to collect interest from these amounts from Russia, since Moscow did not comply with the court's decision and did not make an advance payment for costs during the trial.
The court's decision without specifying the amount of compensation was made in 2015 . Then in The Hague, it was decided that the Russian Federation had violated the obligation under a number of provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
On September 18, 2013, activists of Greenpeace conducted a protest action on the Arctic Sunrise and attempted to climb onto the Prirazlomnaya platform. Russia was imputed to the fact that the border guards, without the consent of the Netherlands, boarded the Dutch flag, seized it and brought it to the port of Murmansk, and arrested 30 activists and initiated legal proceedings against them.
In Greenpeace, they claimed that at the time of the detention they were in neutral waters at the Russian drilling platform. The Russian authorities accused activists of invading the forbidden 500-meter zone.
The participants of the action, previously accused of piracy and hooliganism, were amnestied in November 2013. Together with 29 activists detained the photographer Denis Sinyakov, who was also later released.
The arrest of Arctic Sunrise was lifted in June 2014, by the end of the month the new crew received access to the ship.
Article: Obyazal-rossiyu-vyplatit-5-39
To be honest, here I am on the side of the guard. I just roughly imagine that even one imbecile can arrange on the platform. And I'm not even talking about mass pollution, but about explosions and fires. I believe that the Russian side should not pay anything to the eco-terrorists. They should say thank you that they did not put him in jail for 5 years.
But as they do with Greenpeace in a civilized Europe!