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RE: Dear America, Please Stop This Nonsense Immediately. Love, The Rest Of The World.

in #politics5 years ago

On that I don't know. I have friends in OZ, but I'm no expert. I do know enough that Caitlin could just as easily point her skill and sense of satire right at OZ and never run out of subject matter.

As she is by no means alone in directing her whimsy and ire at the U.S. perhaps more of us should be firing back from time to time with an occasional " Oy, c* about you fix you're own garbage fire?"

Our leaders seem a vacuum...but along side the UK's train wreck, German's one woman wrecking crew, Scotty from marketing ( she'll know who I mean) Greece, France, Canada's empty suit behind the desk (the list goes on...spin the globe and pick a country) ...they are, at worst, par for the course.


There you go, that second upvote.