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RE: 1984 is literally happening right in front of us. I never thought the left would be the ones carrying it out but they are!

in #politics8 years ago

hmm... Your interpretation of 1984 is quite different from the actual text... Antifa are anarchist, so it makes zero sense to call them left. To refer to the political spectrum as either right or left is a misrepresentation and misunderstanding of true political science. 1984 represents government's role in seeking out systems of control over the people through methods even quoted in your own image. It is not groups of people radicalizing in response to Orwellian practices by government. For example, Jeff Session's request and approval of a warrant against DreamHost to hand over personal data of everyone who simply visited an anti-Trump website is the true definition of Orwellian.

Or, another example is how the Bundys and other activist are being held without bail and being denied numerous basic rights protected under the Constitution. There is nothing fair or legal about their trial or the amount of time they are spending in solitary confinement.

Or, another example is how the Sioux tribe have just had their land stolen, again, despite SCOTUS ruling on their legal rights through The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851. Not only stolen but given to foreign corporations that hired foreign security forces to come on their land and carry out military and policing operations. And what benefit to Americans is there for the DAPL? None. The oil is being pumped through our country is to be exported. The only people profiting will be investors like Trump.


Do a bit of research into the NSA, social media, and Google censorship, not to mention Google's relationship to the Obama administration, and then let's talk about the relevancy of Orwell's 1984.

ANTIFA promotes violence as a means to an end when it's not necessary. Their group is getting petitioned to be labeled a terrorist organization, and they purposefully use destructive strategies like black block to incite as much violence and intimidation as necessary. They are an anarcho-communist group with communist roots back to the 1920s that would rather throw a punch than use their words.

There's a big difference between the destruction of monuments because you do not like their role in American history; and preserving the nuances of history and moving these statues into local museums. At least do something productive and meaningful rather than panicked destruction. Artists can reimagine these public spaces into something new that incorporates and enlightens the present through learning from the past. There are many alternatives. Instead we freak out and tear statues down overnight.

If we can't even face the past, or handle having visual reminders that bad things happened to get to the present we're currently in, then people will never learn to rise above the stupid bulllshit and treat each other as equals and as friends.

So your argument is that I cannot discus scientific facts unless I acknowledge every opinion you might have in the exact manner that you see it? And if I don't, then I haven't done any research?
How did I know someone would relate my neutral statements to being pro left? I'm well aware of everything government is doing on both sides. Didn't you notice I mentioned injustices occurring to far right protestors? We're under new leadership and have those injustices changed? No, they've actually intensified. Of any of the Orwellian injustices you mentioned, where did they start? Under Obama? Bush created Homeland Security and the Patriot Act while NSA spying goes back to Clinton. So why did you make the assertion that I was somehow unwilling to discuss 1984 tactics under Obama and therefore uneducated? If you hadn't of read assumptions into my statement you might of found out that I've been advocating for war crime charges to be filed on Obama for five years.

Fact is, Antifa is NOT left. That is not an argument to their passivity or lack of guilt. Nor is it condoning anything they say or do. Politics is a science and the statement is a scientific fact. That's all it is. It's not anti right or pro antifa. Just like the "free speech patriots" are not a part of the alt right. Citizens removing a statue does not fit into 1984's well adopted ideologies of government tyranny. That statement is also not pro antifa. It's simply a statement to the confusion within the post.

I could easily tell you do a bit of research on the largest terrorist organization in the U.S. And guess what? It's not antifa. It's white supremacist organizations. These organizations have long been tracked as being the largest internal threats in our country. Feel free to browse FBI archives on the matter if you don't believe it.

What's interesting is you acknowledge Orwellian practices being conducted by government but then you argue that we have to work within their system to redress our grievances? Would you even be here if our forefathers supported that ideology? Did you not see what happened to tens of thousands of peaceful protectors across the nation when they protested during the Occupy movement? Did you not see how violent police were across the country defending their corporate masters? What has peaceful protesting done to resolve the injustices that have continued to grow? They took the time to divide us into antifa and white supremacist. So now if anyone doesn't outright condemn either side they're told to "do a bit of research."

This is what happened when millions of Americans came together to peacefully protest the corporate take over of our government. Violence. -

This is what happens when we adopt an ideology that a violent government can only be dealt with through passivity in the system they control. -

Your words sound great and we should never truly give up on striving towards such a peaceful coexistence but there will always be a time when passivity and civility are no longer an option when facing tyranny. By your own admission, that's what we're dealing with. So why should it matter if that same government labels antifa as terrorist when police continue to kill thousands? Or government programs like putting fluoride in the water supply kills tens of thousands? And terrorist attacks by the far right extremist outpace Muslim extremist and are on the rise? Tyranny is always a threat. Activism will always be a critical component to ensuring freedom. And so is the threat of self defense. History has proven all these statements accurate. I do not agree with antifa's methodology but at least they're willing to stand and fight for something. That's far better than the majority of this country that sits back asking government to please give us more freedom and then grumble about them taking more.
Interesting you also brought up black block seeing as how police use the exact same methods. But I guess it's ok for them. In the name of civility...