Thanks @nolnocluap. That decison was something I struggled with for some time, but eventually I came to the decision that I could no longer tick a box next to a name on a piece of paper and authorise that person or party to make decisions (that I will often disagree with) on my behalf. It is literally signing over your individual rights to someone else who only really cares about you when it comes time again for you to tick that box next to their name again.
A great principal based decision. May I ask whether you claim exemption or just wear the penalty @atnicholson?
I haven't become that principled yet, I'm afraid. I go to the voting booth, cross off my name and take my empty ballots and place them in the boxes.
I will investigate the exemption option ... but may have to just cop the fine in future, most likely.
And still the state inconveniences you even going to the effort of having to show up. I'd be keen to know what you learn. I've thought about exploring exemption options myself but it's not at the top of the to do list for me.... yet! Best of luck mate.