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RE: How (And How Not) To Beat A Smear Campaign

in #politics6 years ago

Who decided that some rando was going to be "the legitimate interim president of Venezuela"?

How was that decision reached?

You say that this is because of voter fraud. What do you have to offer though to substantiate that it was fraud?

What do you have to substantiate that Smartmatic was involved in fraud? A relationship? Lol

You claimed that Maduro "purchased; forced; coerced: forced; coerced; coerced; forced and forced" people for votes. What do you have to show for any of those claims?


Juan Guaido prefers the old style of one citizen, one free vote But some fat twelve sandwich eating bus driver jumped the Q and now thinks he is the reincarnation of Che Guevara. And id fixed in power by a military that is corrupt.

So more claims without any shred of proof to back them up.. Lol

What is your claim to fame?

What is yours lol, by your logic you're a rando with an ax to grind that absolutely nobody cares about.

By your logic:

I have seen your argue against someone from Venezuela. living in Venezuela about the Venezuelan crisis, and tell them they don't know what they are talking about, when they speak about the government corruption, ya dopey broad.

Anyone who makes claims about their own Government is correct because it's their own government. Flawless logic.

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