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RE: Trump must get "the rich" to pay more taxes. They aren't paying their "fair share"

in #politics7 years ago

Yeah, still trying to gather the wisdom of babes for the reality hardly has been acknowledged here, but sarcastically implying that Rich people did earn and not cheat steal or otherwise harm to get their wealth, and that this being their money we are endlessly grateful for their success at keeping us from starving, as if it's not the rich that need us!

I have read more than a handful of studies on the psychology of the rich to understand my enemy, the only war is THE-CLASS-WAR. rich people don't do well in society and are cheats and narcissists in their predominant character traits, fuck, pretending to be rich makes one far more easy on themselves in matters of having done something wrong, and far worse on others for the same thing, it's a perverse and incredible Role play that illustrates, IN CHILDREN, that rich people, upper class ain't SHIT to brag home about Producing anything.


There are going to be arsxxxholes at every level of income. So of course there are some that are rich.

But to assume that everyone that is rich got there by cheating, stealing, or otherwise harming someone is a sad psychology.

Take a look at the work being done by Bill Gates Giving Pledge.

Do you believe that all the billionaires on the Giving Pledge got their money from cheating and stealing and causing harm?

I'd far rather leave the billions with these billionaires and let them work on causes they find worthy, compared to sending it all to Washington where it would vanish in the cesspool of corruption.