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RE: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear

in #politics8 years ago

I figured, why would you explain yourself, to me. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Why would you even bother to face up to the facts: insinuating that fake news is something subjective and that you bait and switched when someone chimed in to break down what FAKE news is(MSM Propaganda) and offered you the answer to your pathetic "real news can you explain me", because obviously you lack the understanding of fake news, or you just trolled and implied that you really care about what fake news means in that context, which he did break it down to you: PROPAGANDA, so.. what was your question again, besides a weak ass troll attempt. Your question has been answered, you asked..
what is real news? you mean what is fake news? O you don't own a tv, you don't say (doubt that very much troll)


calm your titties.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment
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