Is his policy just the way of marketing or simple carelessness?

in #politics8 years ago

Activists “flooded” New York because of Trump’s refusal to believe in global warming.
One of the biggest metropolises in the world was flooded by using digital graphics.
The authors of Claire&Max channel have decided to show the consequences of global warming by using New York as an example. They modeled how one of the biggest metropolises in the world would look like after the flood which would be caused by the melting of glaciers.
For this they filmed empty streets of the city and flooded them by using digital graphics.
During the election campaign Mr. Trump stated that he believes that global warming is the myth. During his press conference on Thursday he did not mention whether he believes in climate change threat and human’s effect on environment or not but he was talking about the interests of American economics.


He will destroy our world.

and others)