I saw your writing and read it
How is your position or status in this case Mr.gavvet
I ask because I am the first person to see you because I am a newcomer to inculcate
From the results of my analysis of the news you wrote, to be honest I was horrified by the leadership in such a way.
We in Aceh also feel the same but not when you write.
From one side I am not a political expert but I do not want to be politically blind.
The dictatorial leadership has become regenerated, That's what some people think. but the leadership itself has increased greatly from the nature of the Dictator.
Did this cause happen?
Sir @ gavvet, Can you comment on what I am asking.
The Nazis are a nightmare for the world.
and also the PKI Gang in Indonesia, while in the region, many of the Geng names in the political sphere led to war.
In this case what is the solution of Mr @ gavvet
I want to be friends with you and I'm happy with your comments about politics in the world
greetings @ badratulnafis