There is an intrinsic difference between a citizen owner and a corporation - liability. Individuals in that corp often can abuse power without consequence. A man who has a company he wants to hand down to his children acts very different from a man who can never own the company. His best tactic is often to rake as much money out of a corp as he can then move on (without risk) before he gets caught. Many upper level corp officers change jobs within 5 years. Meanwhile that fictitious entity, the corp, behaves as a conglomerate of all those bad employees. Every controlling and greedy tendency is incorporated (no pun... wait, yes pun) into the legal structure of the entity. Even when the psychopath moves on or dies, their nefarious actions persist, because to do what he wanted, he bribed laws into existence, changed rules and bylaws, hired nefarious co-conspirators, wrote contracts with seedy underworld goons etc. (Remember, good employees don't need to bribe State Legislators or assassinate competitors)
When that psychopathic corporate worker has to sign his own name on every piece of paper and mortgage his own house to make payroll, even he will act differently. But even if he doesn't, eventually he will die. Corporations can live forever, accumulating the debris of evil as they mutate and grow.
The legal situation regarding corporate law is a travesty and fundementally dishonest - however, if we accept that these fictitious entities have more power than living humans on our own planet then we have fallen victim to our own heartlessness, denial and unfortunately, our own psychopathic power loss born of fear.