
Hey buddy, you are posting like a madman! Love it! Can we post videos stored in our computer? Seems they have to be videos hosted on other sites, is this correct? Every tutorial I find is telling me to use a Youtube link, but if (when) my Youtube goes down, the vides will be gone. Thanks for your help! Everybody misses you on Youtube. Robin

Hi Robin -- thank you for keeping folks updated about me. Yes folks, I'm alive and it's me. I was amazed my Sloppy Sniper videos lasted 1.5 years on YouTube without getting removed by butthurt shills. I got suddenly terminated on June 28, 2017 by a bombardment lasting a number of hours.

However, WE WON. The Regime noticed 99% of commenters under Alex Jones / Megyn Kelly interview saying "Hey Alex, why are u still pretending about Sandy Hook, when everyone knows Newtown was a Hoax?" At that point I think someone called Arlington VA and screamed at whoever's in charge of pimping the Hoax. And the target of that screamfest said "our office doesn't control Google / YouTube." So then Google got yelled at and started "book burning" aka terminating channels by the dozen in a McCain-style meltdown.

As for posting videos at Steemit, I believe videos need to be hosted on a separate platform. I don't want to tell folks which platform to choose for hosting videos since i hope they use 99 different platforms -- that makes it even tougher for DC to remove videos since it's a more complex task to find/remove everyone's videos across many platforms. So far, we can cross these OFF the list: YouTube and since they are aggressively deleting channels.

I think Steemit is still growing, so hopefully they will support more platforms and smoother integration w other social media. Until then I suggest everyone pick the most non-censored video platform you can find, post videos there, then at Steemit post a hyperlink to your video. Add a photo to your Steemit posts so they show up better in everyone's feed. If you want, you can add your video thumbnail picture JPG as the featured Steemit photo.

Bottom line = We are winning. YouTube is committing slow suicide like CNN did. It starts w censorship.

A year from now, YouTube will be regarded as a joke, like Brian Williams or Pelosi slurping a bottle of Scotch.

-Barry Soetoro

Barry, so happy to see you're still with us and not pushing up daisies - I'm a bit of a technotard so its taken me a little bit to find you. I thought you were just on hols til da da daaaah, "channel terminated" death notice appeared in all its shitty glory.

Anyway mate, I'm glad you're not harmed in the physical sense, though I'm sure its been a bumpy ride emotionally. Pack of bastards they are. Clearly they are running scared but on a personal level, content creators that have put in all that time, research and work, not to mention blood, sweat and tears - well its got to be bloody heartbreaking. I'm sorry mate, really I am.

Take care and dont let the mongrels wear you down. You have such a unique voice that is truly valued by many.

Regards, Robyn in Oz (not the original Robin)!

ROBIN - This clown 'HoaxerPoPo' is targeting your Channel. Look at his playlist named "DESTROY ROBIN." I'm not sure how to prevent a troll from adding YOUR videos to HIS playlist....... I don't think "Blocking" him will prevent/change his Troll playlist. Any ideas, folks?

Screenshot here:

How about flagging his videos for BULLYING...