Wakeful Video Weekend 2019-12-29 (21 videos)

in #politics5 years ago

Main issues treated by this week’s video collection: the cheating and rule of the rich, and the many angles of our immigrant nation.

Stars & Channels: Double Down News, Richard Wolff, Lewis Black, The Laura Flanders Show, VICE News, BuzzFeedVideo, NowThis News, As/Is, Ralph Nader & Harvey Wasserman, The Real News Network, Academy of Ideas, and several more...


  1. Fighting the Oligarchy ***
  2. Great Wolff Speech from 2013 ***
  3. Corporate Tax Cheats – How & How Much (prime example: Amazon)
  4. The Rich Doubling their Wealth while we Struggle to Live
  5. U.S. (Anti?)-Immigrant Nation
  6. The Buyers’ Labor Market
  7. Empire: The Afghanistan Scam
  8. U.S. History: Especially Election Fraud & Green vs Nuclear Power
  9. News: The Real Reason for R&D Sanctioning Against a Russian-EU Gas Deal
  10. Public Brainwash: The People Played by Schools & Media **
  11. Music: Let’s Recall our Immigrant Ancestry – Immigrants are Human Beings
  12. Music: Colorful America (Star Spangled Banner)
  13. Humor: Lewis Black on 2019


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