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RE: No Nerve Agents Found in FakeNews-Invented 'Syrian Chemical Attack' Blamed on Assad Last April

in #politics7 years ago

No surprise here. Anyone with half a brain could see right through the MSM lies that there was an attack, but unfortunately many choose to believe the media first and ask questions later. The war on Syria is heating up, a classic US playbook move they use to invade and attack other countries. People are emotional, so all you need to do is show a few photos of children suffering from an alleged chemical attack to get the public on your side.

You would think people would wake up after the lies the US government perpetrated to invade Iraq, when it was revealed there were no weapons of mass destruction.


Yes, emotions rule, facts and reasoning take second place in many if not most cases. Ppl see a kid crying in front of Trump on a magazine cover, and think it's real, and start hating Trump :p