What makes me sad is that the whole world is aware of ridiculousness of North Korea, but nobody knows about this cesspool in the middle of Europe.
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What makes me sad is that the whole world is aware of ridiculousness of North Korea, but nobody knows about this cesspool in the middle of Europe.
I remember when the Bosnian/Serbian war was going on. Granted, I was a kid so I wasn't paying super close attention to the news but the only thing I remember ever being reported here was that Slobodon Milosivec was evil.
I cringe at how patriotic America is while pretty much every U.S. President has done things that should have them tried as a war criminal. Any time I point that out I get accused of hating freedom, which obviously, makes no sense. We bomb the shit out of everybody and yell "Freedom!" and everyone goes along with it.
I couldn't begin to imagine what all that was/is like. You really need to write a book, if for no other reason than to tell the Serbian side of the story.
I'm sorry the world is a shitty place where assholes outnumber the good guys. It breaks my heart every day. That's why all my blogs are about awful shit, but I make it cheerful and happy; The world sucks so we laugh to stop from crying.