Dude. In most schools (public and private), this is considered plagiarism.
"It depends on what parents want for their child, what and whether they're willing to pay to get it, and what the child is capable of. While curriculum is often considered to be more rigorous in private schools, private schools are not a guaranteed access to a better college or university. "
yo dude I used this on a college paper and she ran it through a plagiaism software, idk what its called but i got a 88 on that paper. I am sorry if a certain part might be plagiarised but chill out bro
Pumpkin, just cause your teacher told you you were smart and not a cheater, doesn't mean it's true. My mamma thinks I'm pretty, but you never know. Sugar plum, plagiarism is stealing others' words (even if you get a B+ on your paper!). You don't understand, honeybun. It's wrong and bad and makes Steemit a crappy platform filled with cut and past from the Intarwebz. Grow up, sweet pea.
ok i apologize if it is, i really love this platform and dont mean to plagiarize, I apologize and if you want me to take it down i will. I do not want to be part of the problem. I love steemit and have been trying to make quality post. So again i apologize