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RE: The ignorance of the minimum wage.

in #politics7 years ago

I am not sure I can agree with your assumption. It may have some validity, but wouldn't someone who can't get a job and is homeless, because they are useless lazy slobs, end up working harder to have that thing that allows them to support themselves? They are lazy slobs because they can be. Because there is no negative affect, that they actively see, to being a lazy slob.

I don't see jobs being completely gone, although I would agree that their may be less jobs in that specific employer. Meaning McDonalds might staff 5 people per shift instead of 6.

I think you are missing many of the huge talking points that are against the minimum wage. One is the idea that current minimum wage tests are done in a very small level and does not affect the big chains. "Who still have labor in other towns/states working for much less. So the idea that $15 could sky rocket prices like what we are seeing in the test areas. I would like to see it to believe in.

So, my question is, if you do not believe in giving people a boost in minimum wage, how would you recommend helping them achieve a job that gives them enough money to live on? Everyone tends to just jump towards McDonalds and other fast food jobs when it comes to raising the minimum wage. People also like to imagine that these jobs are mainly high schoolers or possibly college students. But that is wrong, many of these people are individuals that worked in factories that are obsolete, or after the recession, needed to have the spouse start a job to maybe help out with the piling bills.

How do you recommend rising the wages of those that need it? Are you one that believes in Trickle down economy, because I can't seem to jump on that train.

Statistics from the Economic Policy Institute show that when trickle down economy began, 1980's Reaganomics, the wage gap skyrocketed from the top 1% and basically everyone else. Top 1%, 137.7% growth in wages. 0-90th percentile, 15.2% growth in wages. Net productivity growth, 61.9%. So tell me how the hardworking 320 million people in america, deserve less money than the productivity they are pushing out?

You lower taxes on the rich, they just take more money away from their businesses to horde it and it does NOT go back to the employees. This you can find by simply looking at the past, almost 40 years of Reaganomics.

So to me, if raising the minimum wage, doesn't work to raise wages. And cutting taxes on the rich doesn't work to raise wages. What can be done? Nothing?



Thanks for reading and replying.

In response to poverty some people will certainly work harder, but the minimum wage makes it harder to escape for all. The scope of this article was only that the minimum wage is a fallacy. The much bigger question of why there is such great inequality in the world is too big to answer here, but it is related to central banking and interest rate price fixing.

What I would say to you is, remember not to confuse correlation with causation. There have been many overlapping ideas simultaneously in existence over the past years. Reganomics is just one, and it may or may not have lead to a certain outcomes, the world is a complex system. There has also been activist central banks, out of control big banks and socialist politicians all of which could have some connection to poverty.

"Trickle down economy"

Had to think back to the elections lol!

Long reply man :D

I like to go crazy.