Well... just take some time to do a little digging. Like most of these "charitable" organizations started by these satanic globalists, they have a functioning appearance of being a positive force for good, when in reality they have been assisting in the smuggling and trafficking of children and grown adults as well for use in satanic murder rituals and sexual deviance... But that will never be out in the public forum, until its too late.
Of course you're probably thinking, "Man, this guy is a kook.." Well, if you do think that, then I am sorry, but I tried. If instead you're reading this with an open mind, then good on you and good luck out there.
Or you could just provide me with some documentation that UNICEF is smuggling kids to work in the sex industry or get sacrificed in some satanic ritual. I have a investigative journalist friend from an Eastern European country where he says the president has been part of a smuggling outfit but he never mentioned anything about any charities being involved. Not saying individuals don't use their connections to traffic people but you make it sound like UNICEF was created as a front with the real intention of smuggling people. How did you come to that conclusion? Don't just say it, document it. Also, do you believe a person can't be a globalist without being satanic?
Just one recent example of people who operate UNICEF
I came to this conclusion after hours of absorbing info from other investigative reports, obviously.
Your last question is a double negative and I am not entirely sure what you meant. But I will try to answer: I believe there can exist a non satanic globalist. But globalism is inherently evil so...?
I clearly don't have a physical proof besides court records and odd interactions. The answer is out there.
Just look to @morphonios' channel for more insight.
How does the fact that one employee of UNICEF, or several, raped a boy or boys demonstrate that the organization was created as a front for sex trafficking?
Herbert Hoover co-founder of UNICEF was a long time member of our favorite secret gathering group, the Bohemian Grove.