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RE: Choosing the Battleground

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Many years ago, I wrote lots of letters to my US Representatives and Senators. They almost always wrote back, with a form letter, with a stamped signature. Sometimes the form letter even had something to do with the topic of my letter. Well, what could I expect? A US representative claims to represent six hundred thousand people (except the one representative of Wyoming, since there aren't that many people in the state). That's absurdly impossible. Even if he wanted to, nobody could do that.

I deregistered to vote in 2008, after Ron Paul was basically excluded from the Republican Presidential Convention. I have not voted since.


like @larkenrose said politics is of the control freaks by the control freaks for the control freaks so glad you haven't voted since Ron Paul and i haven't voted since than either and don't plan on it :)