Fake Democracy

in #politics3 years ago

Administrations come and go- reality is the important policies stay the same. USA has been run by the same people for decades. the democracy thing is just a front, like it was before in the Roman Senate.
US is not run by presidents and politicians but by special interests of certain institutions and their owners .
The elections and that crap is just a mechanism for mass entertainment just like the elections of the tribunes were in Rome. One big farce when when in fact if u wonder why things dont change is because Us has the same owners for a looong looong time who like it the way it is. the people might not, but the elite does. They have every key of the country available to them. Nothing is off limits including a good portion of the world in terms of direct influence in terms of vassals.
The social engineers aka the founding fathers knew full well that dreams sell. The dream that everyone can be voted into office and hold power. Also compared to this facade, every other ruling system pales in comparison.
Many people, including you believe in it - but the reality is just a good play for the masses. Its hypocritical and will work as long as US exists and dictates others to behave like it.
Even Americans deep down know its fake but yet they want to believe in it and its BS. That the people run the country. That the people have a say when we all know it is a nicely designed apparatus that does everything in its power NOT TO LET ordinary people even close to power.
Once someone told me: "A wonderful lie is more powerful than a terrifying truth."
There are those who believe that things have been wrong now but it were better in the past. LIES.
This complex system of power being kept by the burgeoisie was always intended to be as such. to have such a complex government and several seats of power dissipation so not just the common citizens gets lost in it - democracy itself its lost in the bureaucratic procedure.