My Plan For An Anarcho-Monarchist State

in #politics5 months ago

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After much thought and study I have realised that the perfect model for a state is anarcho-monarchism.

The King would be chosen by mortal combat from a pool of worthy contenders.

He is bestowed powers of execution for serious offences such as murder, rape and grand theft.

The King would also preside over a government for utilities such as water, sewage, transport, energy and security.
Failure in duties by government officials would be punished with exile.

To keep the King in check he is obliged to take part in an annual 'endurance' test, where he is subjected to various torturous procedures according to his success or failure in ruling the kingdom, which would be much to the enjoyment of his loyal subjects.

Aside from that there would be no other rules or regulations.

What do you think?
Would you apply for citizenship?



Seems that country already exists, except for the kings endurance tests. That would be a solid add on.

I got the idea from an old Japanese game show called 'endurance' :)

Of course there was also the Royal 'Its a Knockout"