Relax with politicians in activities and accompany chocolate ice dishes.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Ini menarik saya sempat santai dengan seorang politisi di D'Royall Cafe sambil menikmati es coklat dan snack yang di sediakan oleh pemklik Cafe, terlihat sangat antusias dan santai dalam menyusun pogram yang pro rakyat, sahabat saya ini tidak mengenal lelah dalam menyusun laporan kerja untuk di perjuangkan di parlemen.
Apa mungkin karena di temani es coklat dan kopi expreso yang dapat mendinginkan pikiran dan menjernihkan pikiran sehingga terlihat sangat santai.

This attracted me to relax with a politician at D'Royall Cafe while enjoying the ice chocolate and snacks provided by Cafe's visitors, looking very enthusiastic and relaxed in preparing the pro-people program, my friend is tireless in preparing the work report for the fight for parliament.

Is it possible because it is accompanied by chocolate ice and expreso coffee that can cool the mind and clear the mind so it looks very relaxed.





Selesai menyelesaikan tugas kami menuju ke prosesi makan siang, dan ini menyenangkan bagi saya santai bersama sahabat dan di traktir minum dan makan siang.
Semoga beliau sehat selalau sehingga dapat menjalankan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat.
Inilah aktifitas bersama sahabat yang dapat saya gambarkan ke dalam pos steemit pada kali ini, semoga sahabat steemit menyenangkan .

Finished completing our assignment to the lunch procession, and it's fun for me to relax with friends and at drink and lunch.

May he be healthy always so that he can perform his duties as a representative of the people.
This is an activity with friends that I can describe to the steemit post at this time, hopefully the friend of steemit fun.

Screenshot_2018-02-27-00-04-38_1.jpgregards @boile

thanks you From Me @boile