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RE: Australias Cash Ban : Rising Authoritarianism in the Land of Plenty

in #politics6 years ago

Well, that is where you are wrong. I am trying to stop them, so are many other people. There might not be enough of us, but there is definitely a resistance to this via legal means. We will find out in the next 2 weeks whether this particular battle can be won.


Do you really think you can win via legal means against people who dont even stay legal for themselves?
They made the whole legal system up. ^^

If we still had the gold standard there wouldnt be wars. These current wars are only there cuz the petro dollar.

If we, as the people, legitimate a new, better system. You don't need to be a slave anymore.

But I guess that's hard to unterstand, especially if one is totally brainwashed..

I am pretty sure that we had wars when we were on a gold standard. I do know a little bit of history ;)

Please don't talk to me like I am a brainwashed idiot. I am well aware of what is going on and the criminality of the elites. My method is clearly different from yours and that is because I know that I'm no good to anyone in prison and we haven't lost the battle yet.

Yea? Wars about oil, petrol and artificial limited ressources?

But yea, alright. Live and let live. Also let the elite continue stuff like pizzagate.
But dont wonder or cry afterwards.