i can see why you would use the wording "utopia prepper"
however, i cannot really get behind that.
It could be like "anarchy", the word is used as two very different meanings by two very different groups. However, utopia to most people is a place where everyone thinks alike, and thus there is no problems.
Whereas, the future, which you are kinda getting a glimpse of is... people knock off the drama, people get a lot more accepting of other people being different, and change is the new norm. (where instead of being afraid of change, people accept it and look forward to it)
People really need to figure out that Hollywood is not reality. In fact, you might say that Hollywood is anti-reality. As in the programming that they are doing is making everyone insane.
If we suddenly had a revolution, the people would put back into place the same exact structure that caused all the problems in the first place.
The way out is things like:
- recognizing that psychopaths are evil, and everything they do is life destroying. You want a bad govern-cement, you invite psychopaths in.
- having direct controls from people with skin in the game. Such as, along with your 1040, you send in a paper that says which departments get your money. Any department without enough money is immediately closed.
- putting control down to its lowest level. The federal govern-cement should never be involved in schools and schooling.