I like the first graphic, but do not agree with it.
It is missing something BIG. Maybe it will come to me later.
The future is not so futuristic. The future seems to actually be a giant step backwards. Towards animism. And the complete abolition of science.
(Science means to cut apart, as in the similar word scythe. Physics and metaphysics need to be put together as a whole to understand the universe)
What seems to be happening is old things that didn't work so well, with added communication and digital record keeping now become easy and efficient.
Like the barter problem often talked about in the "story of how money was invented". With the aid of computers, barter can extremely easy. Computers can work out the 1000s of trades, and just tell you where to send your stuff, and the stuff you wanted shows up on your door.
In, re: your last paragraph, the last thing sorta already exists on boardgamegeek.com. They're called Math Trades, where everyone puts up a game and a wishlist, and through some algorithm everyone gets a boardgame he wants in proportion to how much they helped someone else get a boardgame she wants.