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RE: The Capitalists Are Trashing Capitalism. Who Can Stop Them?

in #politics8 years ago

Crony capitalism and Communism are both problems that exist because of govern-cement.

Communism without govern-cement works very well. Their are communes all over the world. As long as you are free to leave, there is nothing wrong with communism.

Capitalism works well, as long as you do not have a govern-cement which mandates monopolies. In capitalism, the best product wins. If people care about the environment, well then "green" products are very competitive. However, when govern-cement decides who is the winners and who is the losers, than you have crony-capitalism, where you get the govern-cement to outlaw your competition.


govern-cement: the article in a nutshell @builderofcastles - I like that word. Still thinking that one over ... I LOVE IT!! Comment UV'd!