Dominating our headlines is the tragic Parkland shooting massacre, and for obviously good reason -- no student should ever have to fear getting gunned down at school.
At the same time, we as Americans have to respect the rule of law, and most importantly, the First Amendment. We may not agree with the views and opinions of others, but we certainly must allow all people the ability to have those opinions.
Unfortunately, we're at a stage where all perspectives are encouraged and supported, so long as they align with the liberal or progressive agenda.
Case in point is a CNN-sponsored town hall meeting between anti-gun establishment figures and the NRA's spokesperson Dana Loesch.
Just watch as the crowd brutally heckles her:
I'm sure the emasculated American male got all hot and bothered ripping on a lone woman, bravely standing in a sea of vitriol and hubris.
This is what is happening right now in my country. We're so pathetic that we scapegoat a woman -- a woman! -- for the sins of gun-related criminality in America.
Rather than demonize the actual murderer, we are now content on crucifying a woman in a public forum who had absolutely nothing to do with this horrific bloodshed.
Something is very wrong with our country and our society, and I'm very disgusted with it.
The difference between a military personnel and is civilian is the training received and the permission to be in possession of arms like guns. If no civilian is permitted by laws to posses gun except you are a hunter or so, there won't be fear of being gunned down in schools or public places. Studying the history of mass shootings with statistics from countries with strict gun control like The United Kingdom and Australia where it is almost impossible for a civilian to own a firearm, the last Mass shooting happened in 1996 with an average death of 25persons but after the gun control laws the plaque of mass shooting sublimed, I think it's a good idea if nobody is permitted to buy and use gun with reasonable exemptions. This requires a strong and determined political will to achieved because of the American Culture and believe system. This kind of town hall meeting is a good starting point for revolution not considering the characters involved but the lasting effects on social, economical and political will of the great people of America.
Sadly this show of organized debate to address gun control has only further polarized the gun supporters vs those who support more control. (Gun owners are screaming about CNN being biased and full of liberal cucks) There hasn't really been a uniting incident that brings BOTH sides together. The NRA rep continually made references to background checks, their lack of implementation, and the failure of the government to protect the people. It was a blame game and not a discussion about what could actually be done to promote change.
My personal thoughts,
Do I want guns to be taken away? Hell no. Do I want us to be able to track who has them and limit certain individuals from having them? Yes, yes I do.
Actually, many of your suggestions are already in place. Aside from certain loophole situations in red states, every gun purchaser must submit to an FBI background check. In extremely restrictive states like California, gun owners must submit to a background check at the beginning of the sale, and then a mandatory 10-day waiting period, before the sale can be concluded.
Unfortunately, these restrictions have not reduced gun violence caused by street gangs and other criminal organizations -- in fact, the problem is getting worse.
Also, the mandatory training and re-certification requirement proposals are not going to fly at all. Drunk driving and texting while driving continue to be massive problems in the U.S. (and other countries) yet mandatory training isn't going to do anything.
I believe the core issue is that we have a culture problem -- we don't respect laws, authority, traditional ethical principles, etc. We have a Lord of the Flies situation, and no amount of gun control will stop gun violence, unless there was a way to completely eliminate all guns in the U.S. (I think it's impossible).