Well I for one am happy to see Brexit, not to divide but to unite.
I don’t know whats wrong with people these days living in some sort of delusional belief that one needs to be part of some dictatorship or where a country has no sovereign rights to protect its culture or history.
These days peope want to rewrite history rather than learn from it.
I don’t believe in this one world order or this world citizen.
The elite wanted to erase the history and culture of what actually made the country.
I wish those well in the exit from the European delusion union, stop telling countries who they have to acccept, and let the country do what’s best for themselves.
I couldn't agree more with you @buster544, every word you say is entirely true and you put it so well. If only there were more out there who could see the deception that is going on and move away from this hidden globalist agenda.