WikiLeaks NEEDS to POST ON STEEMIT! Julian Assange NEEDS to POST on STEEMIT to Keep REAL JOURNALISM alive!!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)


I was thinking about this the other day. WikiLeaks relies on patrons to keep it's operations running. If it weren't for their private donations, we wouldn't know about the HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL SCANDAL, or any of the other geo-politcial faux paus that the United States government causes!


And that the globalists are trying to get us to go along with their plans! They want us to forgive war crimes by arguing that DRONE STRIKES on CITIZENS is for the greater good!

IF we could get Julian Assange to use Steemit, he could get funded for every single bit of info that he provided to the public, and use the Steemit funds to help run his operations!

You and I are, right now, at the mercy of private donors to make sure we get the information we need.

As a COMMUNITY, STEEMIT, let's launch a TWITTER CAMPAIGN to get JULIAN ASSANGE to use STEEMIT! He's a real hero for the citizens of the world!

With our help, WikiLeaks can continue it's great mission of providing sensitive information and excellent investigative journalism to HELP the citizens of every country throughout the world.

Let's NOT leave it up to government to disseminate information.


YOU! Thank you for reading. Make sure you do your part! Learn more about WikiLeaks at

Also check out @steemleaks for more wikileaks centered content!

Thank you to @ausbitbank for helping out with the campaign!


Great idea, I would love to see wikileaks on here directly!
Really appreciate the plug too thanks @cashbandicoot :)

I plan to post more wikileaks content from the latest leaks soon, but there's a LOT to process so what we really need is more minds to help make the connections and publish for maximum impact..

Also, I just want to make sure it's known that I @ausbitbank hold both the @steemleak & @julianassange keys for the time being and will happily hand control over the Julian directly.
The @wikileaks steemit account is NOT me, its someone that squatted dozens of accounts months ago and dissapeared AFAIK.

Hey @steemleak, I'm glad you saw the post :) wanted to give credit where credit is due. I know you've been hard at work helping to get WikiLeaks info out there.

Wikileaks on STEEMIT.COM ? @cashbandicoot That would be a MONSTER MOVE both for Wiki and Wiki would never have to worry about funding again, and STEEMIT would gain infinite amounts of publicity -- Game Changer if it were to happen. You never know.
Full $teem Ahead!

Glad you're down for the cause @streetstyle! I really think it would be the perfect win-win situation.

That's the whole idea my man! Hopefully the community can rally around the cause! I guarantee if WikiLeaks found a new way to gain funding it would make it's way to the mainstream news. Would be great publicity for both steemit and wikileaks, and would be great for all of the world in terms of transparent journalism.

I appreciate the enthusiasm @rfbb hopefully more people will join the cause!

This is a brilliant idea. A real win win win situation. Anonymous and other hacktivist/activist groups should all us Steem to get their information out to the people while earning much needed currency to fund their causes. Full Steem ahead on this idea.

Anonymous is also a great organization to reach out to. Good thinking! Perhaps you could send some tweets there way. It would definitely bolster the community to have such positive actors around.

Wikileaks on steemit would create an entire new level of awesome.

I would love to see some investigative journalism that is not mainstream here on steemit. I would also enjoy seeing what Assange would post (and whether government would try to interfere with freedom of speech/exposed secrets). I'd also wish to see great alternative sources like that consistently put out interesting articles that may not be politically correct and show a lot of raw content. @stellabelle was interviewed by Vice recently and I am looking forward to read that article. Someone with some great ideas that has a passion for journalism would receive my faithful support, as I don't trust a lot of what mainstream media tells us. A lot is going on outside of the public eye that gets swept under the rug. It's time for more people to lift that rug up and show us what's hiding there. As polarizing as Assange is, I think he has given valuable information to the masses and am glad Hillary was exposed for making such a foolish mistake.

Yes! But....what I don't want to see is for mainstream new companies such as FOX or CNN to get on here and lay all their biased news on us!

@gunnur I don't think there's much we can do to prevent that type of mainstream infiltration. However, we can always just NOT upvote that sort of content, or flag it if it's blatantly false. We sort of have to police the community ourselves.

At the same time, people have the choice as to what they wish to believe. Most people in the crypto world I believe lean towards not trusting what mainstream media has to say, but this site is a platform for everyone as long as they don't spew hatred or violence towards members or other malicious things.

It's a great idea!!! How can I help? I want to do my part in bringing him here.

Hey @sauravrungta I think what I'm going to do is draft up a tweet for people to send out to him w/ certain hashtags. This way it's coordinated and they pay attention. I'm also going to look up if there are any contact email addresses for submitting things. If that's the case, I'll write out a detailed document on the benefits of Steemit for WikiLeaks's organization. Actually, you could do the latter and report back if you hear anything :)

all different kind of people finally comes to steemit, it's only about time 8]

Wikileaks is just the "middleman" for whistleblowers.

Whistleblowers can now post directly to steemit.

Perhaps you are right, but I think if WikiLeaks were to join Steemit, it'd provide the whistleblowers a bit more anonymity as opposed to posting on their own.

The requirements to currently register an id are somewhat problematic for anonymity, but that might change in the future.

I know there's an option to join via email address. Perhaps they could use something like proton mail and a VPN to do so. That however would require Steemit to open up it's account making process to emails, as of now I think it's waitlist only if you don't use FB or Reddit.

I made a follow up post! I've set up a template tweet that #Steemians can send out to WikiLeaks to help get them to pay attention. Hopefully by using the #Steem hashtag we can get Steem to trend as well.

The follow up post is below.