2. Trump - Impulsive and crazy? Or patiently planning for 25 years to win the Presidency?
Ok so let's look at Donald Trump's historical behavior to see if he fits the crazy lunatic description. I'm sure we can all
agree that no matter how crazy we were told a particular lunatic was, if they had a remarkably consistent and well
argued message that they had been saying for nearly thirty years and if it seemed plausible, possibly even relevant,
could you have a seed of doubt about their sanity? It's a classic Hollywood genre, the troubled genius- Rainman,
Shine, Good Will Hunting, A Beautiful Mind.
So, what if you saw Oprah Winfrey interviewing a much younger Donald Trump in 1989 and he lays out almost the
exact same platform as he ran on in 2016 - Putting American interests first in all decisions the Government makes on
trade, defense, foreign relations, immigration and the environment. In fact you would be hard pressed to find even
one thing younger Donald says that isn't still part of 2017 President Trumps priorities.
In fact, watch the first 15 minutes of the video below to see how Trump is completely consistent and predictable in his
policies. No big crazy surprises or sudden impulsive lunatic behaviour. Quite the opposite, in fact what you see is a
future President almost entirely focused on creating better outcomes for America in economics and business. When
Trump does talk about the military power of the nation his consistent message is that it has been mis-used, overused
and that injured vets have been forgotten.
I was sceptical initially about Trump running for President. But around February of 2016 I found his consistency and
messaging to be almost too honest. When he started taking barbs from Clinton and mainstream media. essentially
for being too honest for their sensibilities, I suddenly realized he was the real deal. And that's the big difference
between Donald Trump and a career politician. Donald Trump keeps it real, talks straight and isn't afraid it gets a
little mangled up in the telling. Most career politicians would tightly script all of their speeches, to try and keep the
messaging on track with their communications plan.and effective.Trump tweets it out raw or talks about it in a cut
up, non linear Trump-talk manner. Contrary to Washington media analysts and communication team experts, voters
love it because it's real, immediate and truthful.
Check out pt 1.
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