A new President was elected in the worlds most powerful nation in November 2016. In all democracies the peaceful
handover of government after an election is the foundation of civilised society. We believe that only unstable third
world countries resort to violence or disputing the result. The US election win Of Donald Trump seems to have tested
all aspects of US democracy and civilised society.
The media has responded to Trumps win with an almost daily serving of fearmongering. Both Democrats and his
fellow Republican politicians have attacked Trump relentlessly. Two former Republican Presidents HW and GW Bush
have even published a book whose sole purpose is to attack Trump. Importantly, all this has occured from literally the
first days of Trumps Presidency.
Many people are very fearful of President Trump, an equal number are angry at how he has not been given a chance.
Another group are blind in their hatred of him, while others believe he is a genius who is the right man at the right
time to (as his campaign slogan stated) Make America Great Again.
I started 2016 with no feelings either way about Trump, but I had misgivings about Clinton. Over the last 16 months I
have researched much more than my loved ones would have liked. But that research has given me some overview, a
bit of history and important overlooked detail to help understand the Trump Presidency.
I'm not expecting to change anyones political views. What I hope is that people stop fearing the changes that are
taking place. I hope by explaining some issues thoughtful consideration will replace fear and loathing.
So here is Part 1...keep an eye out for the rest.
1. Have You Been Brainwashed To Hate Trump?
Most of us who haven't had direct contact with Donald Trump take our impressions from mainstream media sources.
It has been shown recently that this could be a big problem...Why? Because the Harvard Kennedy School's
Shorenstein Centre on Media, Politics and Public Policy says so, that's why. No, seriously this prestigious school does
media analysis on a President's first 100 days in office . They look across all the mainstream media news sources like
CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. Then they grade each report and
end up with a total percentage of positive or negative coverage.
Now, the first hundred days in office is a ridiculously short period to make a judgement from, but I'm not running it,
they are. Nevertheless the results are very enlightening. Obama 59% positive, Bush 43% positive, Clinton 40%
positive and Trump 20% positive. So what he's hated you say. Well not so fast. When you also look at the election
result, Trump came in with a respectable win, George Bush in fact had the lowest level of voter support.
When you factor in CNN and NBC (including MSNBC) had positive coverage of Trump just 7% of the time. You can
see that there seems to be a fairly consistent bias to report negatively on President Trump.
Trump's first 100 days Media Report.
Why is this so?
Understand that the mainstream media outlets are owned by Corporate structures, which have agenda's of their
own. As well mainstream media is dependant on advertising dollars and only big multinational corporations have
the type of budget to allow advertising in mainstream media. Multinational Corporations, naturally prefer policies
that are globalist in nature. Globalism places Companies over the laws of nations. So when a President is elected on
a policy platform of 'America first' we see opposing agendas in play.
In essence Trumps platform of re-structuring and re-assessing every aspect of Government to ensure maximum
benefit to America and American people is reversing 35 years of policies that have marched towards a globalist,
world corporative style governance that sits above a nations laws and elected Governments.
The European Union is a good model to use as an example. The European Parliament sit above each European
Nations laws and Government. While each nation has elections for it's specified number of European
parliamentarians, they are just the rubber stampers of laws generated by another completely undemocratic
body called the European Commission. Yes the European Commission an unelected body of people
"suggested' by each nation are the only people who can make laws. As the UK came to understand, laws
affecting every aspect of their lives were being created by unelected, unaccountable officials. The EU is a
corporation that pretends to be a democratic union. It is a globalist attempt at supra national Government.
So mainstream media reflexively takes the political agenda of those advertisers who create profit and those
advertisers prefer Globalism over Trumps platform. The second and less well known influence on mainstream
media are the intelligence community links and relationships. Yes I'm talking CIA and other agencies using the
media to push stories they consider vital to the national interest. This began in the 1950's with Operation
Mockingbird - The CIA operation to monitor, influence and control media reporting in the US and Europe.
Recent revelations have exposed that the CIA has been making regular payments to most well known journalists in
Europe. Often guiding the angle of a news story or providing a complete news story to be submitted under the
journalists name. This according the near deathbed tell all by German Journalist Udo Ulfkotte. If the CIA was
controlling media reporting in Europe to that extent do you honestly believe they don't do it in the US?
Trump of course had a testy relationship with the CIA. He has made enough statements about JFK and 911 to have
parts of the CIA pretty nervous. Also a President on a nationally focussed platform could be a threat to a CIA
with an international focus. So if the CIA was inclined to try to weaklen or demonize Trump through the media they
have willing stooges like Ken Delianian an ex LA Times journalist who now works for NBC. Ken was outed as having
a 'collaberative' relationship with the CIA. Meaning he sent his drafts to Langley for approval!
So there you have it, massive media bias and negative coverage. Mainstream Media looking out for their Globalist
buddies and running negatively on a President re-establishing the US for US interests...and finally, mainstream
media as propaganda tool for the CIA agendas. Trump's Make America Great Again, platform and his reversal of 35
years of globalist friendly Government has created a media firestorm of negativity, smear, fake news and
suppression of good news. It shows no sign of letting up. But in a later installment I will show you how Trump is
already winning the war against his media critics.
So it might be worth double checking your impressions of President Trump are reached after thought and consideration. Not because you're a brainwashed stooge of mainstream media's globalist or CIA agenda .
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