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RE: How Identity Politics & Facebook Are Used As Weapons of Mass Control & Social Engineering. Plus, Exposing Trump's Obvious Corruption and Billionaire Backers. (Richard D. Hall's Interview with Neil Sanders).

in #politics7 years ago

Identify politics are another way we are divided instead of being united around common themes of improved education, health, infrastructure, and stewardship that would really benefit us all. Meanwhile the war, debt, and corporate control continues. Upvoted.


Yes, it is clearly being exploited by those who intend control and domination. We need to learn how to respect free will and the individuation on Earth, otherwise our power is lost and the parasites move in.

And what about Facebook censoring content based on whether it is considered "anti Semitic" by Israeli government? The divide policy of Facebook comes directly from Israel lobby groups.

Possibly, though Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish - so that probably is enough.