"No Right to Abuse Vote
This is an interesting paradox because who gets to decide what is and isn’t abuse? Shall we vote on it? Is a vote to declare something abuse also abuse? This is a hypocritical position that assumes some universal standard of right and wrong. If such a standard existed then there would be no need to vote in the first place."
I dont think you are asking the right question... What should be asked is why are people willy-nilly downvoting folks for work done and those folks are LOSING money because of it?
Also with this logic, you also have to say "who gets to decide who gets paid and who does not?"
Think about it for a minute. I write something and think it is the best thing ever written...another guy looks at it and thinks I am crazy for writing it. He downvotes me, knowing that I will not only lose reputation but compensation as well.
I put hard work into this and deserve to be compensated. Should my compensation be a bad reputation, and a loss in wages? I was just today reading a comment where a person begged another person to stop downvoting him because he was losing money and getting a bad rep. The guy replied, leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Are you kidding me?! What would be the point in posting if I know that someone, who just does not like me, is causing me to lose money? What rational person is going to stay somewhere they are not being fairly treated, or compensated?
I am not the only one who believes that the voting function is being abused beyond belief.
There is a universal standard of right and wrong. But in our politically correct society, we can not understand it. It is wrong to abuse someone. And this goes for abuse of the downvote. Sure, if we dont like something, we are free to show it with a downvote, but if that vote is going to take the form of a decrease in wages, then that is abuse. I may not like what Joe-Shmo says, but should his wages be cut because of it?
It is a theft of time and wages and that my friends, is abuse.