Excellent post. Much needed to raise awareness about the "eminent domain" issue.
I am an ardent critic of eminent domain. My family had land taken away from us by the State of RI by "eminent domain." This land had been in my family since 1911, and was taken by eminent domain in support of a construction project for a PRIVATE "for profit" company.
Eminent domain is only supposed to be exercised as a last resort when the land being seized is necessary to support a project that is in the interest of the public good. For instance, a roadway, railroad, hospital, airport, etc. It is NOT supposed to be used to appease a private corporation so that certain people in positions of power can profit.
As for the wall, many people have differing opinions as to whether this in the interest of the good of the public.
I am not going to start a political debate. I will simply say that there should be an oversight committee put into place to keep a very close eye on this.