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RE: Cultural values and moral legitimacy: copyright infringement vs piracy

in #politics8 years ago

Great post. The only way I have seen 'Technology used to make "Genuine" products more easily available is by adjusting the payment structure and delivery method. For example, Adobe Photoshop is/was the most pirated software on planet earth.
Now you can get it for 10 bucks a month. When Adobe introduced the Creative Cloud with all its pieces of candy, it made the entire suite and options available for a reasonable cost(still a lot for an average earner though). With the increased security + candy cloud option + pricing structure it makes it worth it over trying to run a pirated copy.

Netflix has definitely played it's part in helping reduce piracy by offering a low-cost service with a massive movie/tv library that caters for kids to grandpas. There are still those out there that like to get their hands on pre-releases of new movies etc, however, there are very few pirate sites (closed to public) that are functioning and you have to be a friend of a friend to get in those. An example was last December when the movie "The Revenant" amazing movie btw and a few others were copied and released on the BM 4 weeks prior to release. Originally released by a group on one site but went viral fast.

Music is a killer because bootleggers are everywhere hell I got bootlegged a week ago without even knowing it. Luckily they gave the discs to me free because they were to mind blown about what I had just filled there brains with "steemit". That was on a public beach.

Point being their will always be pirating because I think the thrill of releasing to the masses comes back to the same thing you have written: "Sharing with friends is also generally considered to be pleasurable stimuli as FMRI can show that sharing lights up specific regions of the brain.(Tankersley, Stowe, Huettel, 2007)."

Technology may indeed create a better and easier way which I​ am sure it will happen, but there will always be individuals craving the need for consistent injections into the Cerebrum to satisfy their "Share Drug" .

Anyway felt like a rant ,probably a little off topic but just got better after a 3-day sick fest,lol........
