Viral Stupidity, A rebuttal to the "Brutal take down" of Trump by Australian Journalist.

in #politics8 years ago

By now you will have seen the "Australian journalists brutal take down of Trump" and if you haven't check out the video before you start reading this, it's a 2 minute video of ABC's Chris Uhlmann talking about Trump's first G20 meeting, as you can probably guess it was almost incendiary in it's negativity towards Trump.
chris faggot.png
So i watched the video and a few massive points stood out to me that i'm going to go through below, but more importantly this is a breakdown for the type of stuff we see every single day that people with a bias against President Trump lap up as quickly as possible, so lets get straight into it.

His "Journalism" wasn't fact based.

I use the quotes around journalism because it really wasn't, this was nothing more than a failed hit piece by a person who simply dislikes trump's policies, filled with hyperbole,abuse and alarmism he starts off by saying

"He is a character drawn from America's wild west, a travelling medicine showman selling moonshine remedies that will kill the patient.

Yet provides no actual basis for this, no facts or figures or statistics just exposition and trying to illicit peoples already hard bias against Trump.

Then this gem of integrity and reasoning

"Donald Trump is a man who craves power because it burnishes his celebrity. To be constantly talking and talked about is all that really matters."

But given the fact before he ran he was a billionaire and in the news headlines almost daily for some years and now that he is the President of the United states it's not some sort of secret or brilliant revelation that Trump is talked about around the clock by every news channel in the world, but somehow Chris Ulhmann doesn't understand the irony of this as he talks about Donald Trump.

And then my favorite of all.

"Donald Trump has pressed 'fast forward' on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America."

You see that's strange actually because, the only thing i saw declining that weekend, was Hamburg as it burned, outdated trade agreements, burgeoning hostilities in Syria as a ceasefire was agreed upon and went to the G20 with the express effort of making America Number one.

But don't let facts get in the way there chris.

His "arguments" didn't make any sense.

It's very common for people like Chris Ulhmann to project their desires onto someone and declare them failures when they don't live up to them, i don't know what summit meeting he was watching but Trump seemed to be having fun at the G20 meeting with world leaders, in particular, President Putin trying to establish better diplomatic terms between the two countries.

But that's just cause of muh Russian collusion right? yeah.

So what arguments didn't make sense?

"He has no desire and no capacity to lead the world.

Obviously, as his slogan is America First, i wouldn't expect him to want to lead the world, he has said numerous numerous times he is going to be a President to represent the American people first and foremost, not the global population, this isn't a "failure" by Trump as Ulhmann tries to imply, it's a failure by Ulhmann failing to understand the reality of situation.

"[He] barks out bile in 140 characters, [and] wastes his precious days as President at war with the West's institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press."

This one i find actually hilarious, because if you understand media speak trump being at "war" with things is just him pushing back against things, plain and simple, but no it's a WAR, people are dying and all these innocent little people who never hurt anyone's lives are just being ruined by this hugely powerful entity.

Of course we all know that isn't true, traditionally the story starts with "Nazi Germany invades Poland" not "Poland declares war on Germany" from the very minute candidate trump became President-elect Trump nearly every deep state branch was preparing for war against Trump.

And the moment he took office it started, tying up every single EO in courts, ignoring changes in law and in the media's case trying to convince people that he was literally the 2nd coming of Adolf Hitler and regardless of who started the war, there are two sides fighting it here, one is the President of a country, the other is the branches that make up government and society that act on the President's order, this is less a war and more of a mutiny.

So why do I care so much about a video?

Well as the title says it's viral stupidity, these things show up every single day lately but people never analyse them, they never take time to understand or research exactly what went on and instead they let their bias drive them to accept this information as completely factual even when in this case the majority of it isn't based on facts, rather feelings and subjective observations.

It truly pisses me off because this is not an argument(hey Stefan) it's an emotional hit piece that should be relegated to internet message boards, not prime time news channels and given international recognition like it's some sort of ground breaking philosophical doctrine.

It might seem odd to pick this as a topic of article but how many of these do you see every day on both sides, "news" pieces that are the equivalent of "I don't like this person and you shouldn't either", you're supposed to be the news, not cheerleaders or assassins, you're meant to report the factual news and let others form their own opinion on it.

Sadly though this seems to be a thing of the past, now journalism has been relegated to covering a story with the bias of whichever way the cultural winds blow at the time and what gets you more viewers.


Australian taxpayer funded ABC is full of lying idiots.

They will never tell the truth about Barack Obama and the incompetent and corrupt Democrats, and what they did to America, and the world.

It's sad this is the world we live in now.

Very well written and funny my friend! I'm so glad people around the world can see what's really going on. Main stream media are so obvious with their bias and bullshit that it's getting hard not to see.