"she had" why would press not be there to take photos of the most popular human being in congress?
She has empathy and can understand what's happening in there. She has an imagination that works and can understand concepts that even dogs can, and that's a problem somehow?
How does it backfire because conspiracy losers (who already hate her and will push propaganda against her) don't like it? Her moment was extremely powerful and I know people in person who have opened up their eyes because of it. The internet, especially whatever far-right bubble you live in, isn't indicative of the entire population. It's a logical leap that doesn't add up under scrutiny.
She didn't say she was racist, she said she was acting racist. Those are two things that White People (tm) seem to have a hard time grasping. No one is smearing Pelosi as a life-long racist. What they are doing is pointing out how her actions are hypocritical, targeted, and brutal to the actual constituency.
Maybe if you bothered reading articles all the way through, or looked at actual real social media and not rightwinginternet.dumb you'd be more in the loop.
Literally everything you said was false. She did extremely well and her supporters only support her more, and her traction is only upward. And the same can be said for Pressley, Tlaib, and Omar, that you seem to be ignoring because you probably don't know anything about them because you don't read articles all the way through, but that's just my assumption ;)
You know we might disagree on one core aspect.
I believe that they only way to govern is to find compromise, because we are a nation of differently minded people. There's even studies that suggest that genetically we have either liberal tendencies or conservative tendencies.
I'm very much a liberal, but I don't believe that shutting down conversations with the conservative is a good way to govern. It's almost as if I'm saying, lets ignore half the population, that seems anti-democratic.
I should preemptively say, I'm not talking about the fringe right, they are psychotic (the ethno state idiots, the immigrants are dirty assholes). I'm talking about who I consider right, which is believe it or not Pelosi(she's right wing to me), Schummer, and the handful of good republicans that exist too.
Compromise? Really? Have you paid ANY attention to politics over the last 10 years? Mitch McConnell is a rabid psychopath and refuses to do anything even remotely good for anyone. Why the FUCK would you compromise with him? Are you a psychopath?
Wisconsin got more votes for democrats, but more republicans took office. Why? Because they FUCKING CHEAT.
Why the FUCK would you even consider """compromise""" with people WHO CHEAT? Because you don't read the news and don't pay attention.
"Half the population"
Again, you know nothing. only 20-25% of the population voted for Trump. If that. And less will be the next time. You realize that democratic voters are disenfranchised, right? Re-read the wisconsin story (all the way this time). It's not alienating people to live in reality. They want to murder immigrants and are actively doing so and yet you want to compromise? What's the half way point? Kill only the brown eyed ones but leave the rest? Jesus christ. Some liberal, lmfao.
Pelosi and Schummer are definitely right wing, so you win one point. But who cares? Pelosi has a primary challenger. FIGHT her. WIN her seat. GET RID OF HER. She represents 1% of the population (wall street billionaires), why """""""compromise""""" with that idiot? What kind of strategy is that?
It's called not thinking.