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RE: Freedom and healthcare

in #politics6 years ago

My story has always been straight, I've never changed a single detail, and I wasn't defending anybody, I was asking questions about what they were saying because I was unaware of who Sofie was to begin with. I can understand why misinterpreted it, but to claim that asking a question is "defense" is absurd and untrue.

Again, constantly attacking sexual assault victims isn't a good look. Please stop doing this to me.


Looks to me like the best solution is to post chat history screenshots here - images are not kept on the blockchain, so s'all good!

I will soon enough since Anna continues the sexual assault victim harassment campaign, something will be done about her evil garbage soon enough.

If you want to help, I assume you're interested, feel free to hmu on discord Andrea#0462

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, no not at all, just casually passing by - Keep me outta these things, I know nothing =)

Lame. People who abuse innocents should be punished.