Reminder not everyone is entitled to a radio talk show. If they get fired for being a racist jackass, it's not censoring "Free speech" it's giving consequences to a racist jackass. You aren't entitled from birth to be given a voice on radio. You aren't entitled to the supreme court. You aren't entitled to be a CEO. You aren't entitled to the presidency. You aren't entitled to congress. Stop pretending like saying racist shit and getting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""deplatformed""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" has anything to do with freedom of speech. The first amendment has no clause about consequences.
When I dunk on people like Gavin, it's because he is a moron. If he stops being a moron, I wouldn't have a problem. He can be a moron all he wants as long as it is by himself in his own home. He does't deserve a radio show for being born white. No one does. If he wants to be a radio star he needs to work for it, and he isn't working well enough.
Don't Free Speechers Love Capitalism And The Free Market???
Gavin and Alex being banned is the perfect example of the free market at play. A majority of people in all areas find these people disgusting so they got rid of them. It's that simple. If a product is bad, it doesn't sell. You don't mandate that we have to buy cheap dollar store plastic toys because "oh what about the freedom of these toy manufacturers!!". Why? Because that's fucking dumb. So why should we mandate that racists occupy our radiowaves? In what universe does mandating what we have to listen to and play with have anything to do with freedom?
Oh wait, it doesn't. Right wingers have no concept of moral consistency so they don't think about more than one concept at a time and how they apply to each other. Well, let's see if they can figure out how to respond to this one.
i agree, nobody is entitled to a certain platform. The problem starts since radio is not free but the frequencies are controlled by the gov. Even though I guess it would be viable to buy a radio-licence and broadcast almost whatever you want. But I dont really know the laws around radio and it is an outdated tech anyways.
For Jones censorship it does not look like the free market. Pushing him out of all the mainstream platforms at the same time makes it very likely that there was some shady deal and interest groups trying to limit his ability to reach people that wanted to listen to him.
I dont think that all of the companies came to the conclusion they could make more money by censoring him. It is clear that this will cost them customers and the people that approve will not start using them any more, they already are there and shielded from offensive content by bubble algorithms.
But the internet at the end of the day is free. If the existing platforms are becoming too censored, then we just leave and build new ones. It may take up to 10 years to gain adoption for open alternatives, but we will get there.
I left FB long before they started demonetising and banning weirdos. What they are doing now just confirms the reason I left.
Alex Jones being canned is 10000000000% the free market, dude. Why do you think literally everyone else celebrated him being gone? Even advertisers. Yeah, tech companies are scummy, but that's irrelevant to this subject. If you want to complain about tech being bad, talk about them banning people for speaking out against Saudi Arabia since a Saudi Prince has a fuckload of twitter stock. THAT'S A FREE SPEECH ISSUE, not AJ getting canned. To my knowledge, there have been next to no right wing free speech censorship issues in modern times and the fact that the social zeitgeist brainwashes people into thinking speech is a right wing ideology is just fucking absurd.
99.999999% of free speech issues are lefties getting censored and removed from corrupt tech companies, not that one time Alex Jones got owned. rofl
lol your a commie
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not sure on your numbers, but I am against all kind of censorship. I know that almost all of the radical leftist are being demonetised and many are getting banned.
Also free speech is not a right wing topic. It is a common sense topic. Because only when we are able to organise against power we can keep it in check. Any suppression of speech is always authoritarian designed to keep the elites unquestioned. This is why anyone that is not mainstream and supporting the status quo is at risk of censorship.
100%, which is why when right wing looney toons like @thecastle and @openparadigm cry about SJW CENSORSHIP and shit it makes me fucking cringe hard
I cringe when people like you call someone like me right wing because you have no actual arguments, valid opinions or a concepts of reality. To make up for it you basically have to lie about my political positions which I have explained multiple times now that I am on the left. It is you who prefers to act out toxic and destructive behaviors.
SJWs right now are calling for the murder of innocent kids in the name of hubris.
"murder of innocent kids"
Current events, its a thing.
Which is why you should support everyone's free speech because you need it the most.
I do. Read my post, jackass.
What about when they shut down your payment processor and your Domain hosting?
In a world where crypto currency exists, nice try. It's also still the free market, as companies control those things and companies don't need to uphold 1A. If you want true free speech like that, then support the nationalization of the banks!
Nope Gavin Mcinnes is not a racist, and the corrupt technocrats who control the flow of money have no morals nor do they do anything for moral reasons.
Free Speech For All !!!
Yes he is, and yes they will. Both things can be true at once. Bad people can go after bad people. Please, grow a brain and read at least one of my posts.
I read them completely if I comment, Gavin Mcinnes is a Canadian supremacist and we're taking over get ready to switch to real maple syrup!