Quarantine as a political model, but not a conspiracy

in #politics4 years ago

This strange essay titled "COVID-19: The Great Reboot" appeared in the summer of this troubled year at the height of the pandemic. Some consider this essay "book of the year", others-not otherwise than "scandal of the year". But it immediately seemed to me that this name smacks of some kind of plagiarism. At the time, then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to call a "reset" a certain red button that she wanted to impose on our Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as the main tool for bringing peoples closer together. But, as is usually the case, the uneducated US State Department then disgraced itself by knowing its native Russian by writing "overload"instead of"reset."


The authors of this strange opus are Klaus Schwab, an 82-year-old German economist, founder and permanent president of the World Economic Forum in Davos since 1971 in collaboration with the left-wing futurist journalist T. Mallere. And it is clear that in such an opus without futurological ideas can not do. The main message of the writers is expressed in their instant reaction to the quite obvious question of millions living on our unfortunate planet: "when will we finally be able to return to normal life?".
Their message is short to the point of outrage: never! Allegedly, a "new normality in understanding the world" is being formed, radically different from the past, which was irrevocably left on the sidelines of history. These writers tell all the deluded that " now there will be nothing, no property, no money, no democracy, the whole world is safely broken (well, if not to the ground), but to such an extent that there is no way back!"Allegedly, somewhere in the world, a powerful bunch of powerful people secretly rule, rather than the new massons, who are set up to destroy our lives with a prosaic goal: to achieve their unlimited power.
And when the paranoid authors of this utopia were attacked by a bunch of critics with a natural question in the style of Arnie Schwarzenegger from "red heat":" what is your evidence?", but, as it is not surprising, their answer was not followed, only a solid demagogy in a pack with their primitive conclusions. But the strangest thing is that in the numerous comments on this apparent paranoia, those very modern massons in the person of M. Zuckerberg, B. Gates, D. Bezos, the Walton family are the very characters who regularly gather under the roof of Schwab in Davos and discuss the specific views of billionaires on how the poor should live.
But the most interesting thing is that the slogans of these would-be futurists began to be regularly present in the speeches of the current Canadian Prime Minister, J. Trudeau and Biden's campaign staff. These slogans of "new normality", "new medicine", "building all over again, but much better" have become no longer part of the conspiracy, but a kind of challenge to scare all of us who are lost: "we will succeed, and everything will turn out better, and you will remain on the sidelines like powerless losers." They also found justification for the virus mentioned in the essay, As the Canadian Trudeau himself said: "this pandemic has given us the opportunity to reboot."
Like the author of the essay, Schwab openly declares: "the pandemic has shown how quickly we can make changes in our lives," and at the same time, no less openly calls on the authorities not to weaken quarantine and isolation regimes, forcing them to suppress resistance from the recalcitrant by any means. And those who try to justify the" effectiveness of Schwab's analysis " recall the mass panic of 2009 in relation to more than 500 thousand victims of swine flu, when no one had the desire to reboot our world.
Contrary to this theory of Schwab, there is also an opinion in American society that society is destroyed not by the virus itself, but by those artificially introduced quarantine measures. A certain Institute of Economics. researchers even calculate the damage caused by quarantines in the constantly updated document "the price of locks". This statistic also includes a political background with the alleged personal guilt of D. Trump. On the other hand, Schwab's views on "the suppression of the basic principles of the nation-state by expanded democracy and globalization" are seen by neutral political scientists as "the revival of a sophisticated form of fascism.""
But it is precisely this suppression of democracy that the German Swab calls for, asserting the dominant role of certain global corporations with "increased social responsibility", and such social categories as governments and peoples will remain in the irrevocable past, as a kind of single biomass. Opocki arrived! As coolly conceived by the globalist Schwab, the cult of German fascism modestly rests in the shadows! But if you take a closer look at such global corporations as the powerful information lobby and medical and pharmaceutical monsters, then compared to their budgets, the US military-industrial complex will be a bankrupt poor man. Then the Americans ' favorite military-provocative entertainment and their fears of imaginary enemies will seem like games in a children's sandbox.
After all, fears for your own health will be worse than any wars, from which you can somehow protect yourself and hide in a quiet place on the planet, but it is extremely difficult to get rid of viruses and pandemics… Of course, Schwab pretty scared the world community with his futuristic conclusions, but it's too early for him to rejoice, he has not yet defeated anyone... including the pandemic…


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