What is the coming day preparing in the United States?

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

The upcoming Monday, December 14 in the United States will be another "X" day, when according to the American electoral model, enshrined in the Constitution, the electoral College must name the President of the United States. Who will be the new 46th President of the Democrats, Joe Biden, or they will remain 45th President-Republican Donald Trump? This is exactly what those 538 electors from 50 States and the district of Columbia should decide. But will the decision of these ordinary members of society and proffi-politicians put an end to it? No one can say this now, and this is not the first time that the US electoral system has been subjected to harsh internal criticism.
Historically, such an extremely complicated electoral system in the United States over the past 200 years has been repeatedly obstructed and attempts to reform it, but it stands firm. Although, as a survey of the population showed 3 months ago, more than 60% of Americans openly support direct elections, when the winner is the one who gains a simple and uncomplicated majority of votes. But this institution of electors, stupidly copied by the democratic fathers of the United States from the ancient Roman law, since the rampant slavery and the Civil war of the North and South of the XIX century on this basis, stubbornly does not suit the powers that be and the powerful American oligarchy, who firmly hold the levers of power in their hands. But this long-standing system of elections also had its own paradoxes…
In the current 20 years of the XXI century, Republican presidents D.Bush Jr. and D.Trump in 2002 and 2016, respectively, did not receive a majority of electoral votes, but gained a majority of votes in the country. This strange phenomenon is due to the excessive emphasis of presidential candidates on key States where the choice is not a foregone conclusion, while unjustifiably omitting those States where voters have already clearly and long ago decided. And here the strangest thing is that almost 90% of the country's Democrats, almost 70% of non-partisans, and only less than 25% of Republicans are in favor of canceling such a complicated election model. To change the electoral model enshrined in the American Constitution, it will require 2/3 of representatives in Congress and also 2/3 of the States. But the current election model plays in favor of Republicans, whose representative Trump is now deafeningly losing to Democrat Biden… Again, a paradox, and only by one mind cannot understand this America, the country of paradoxes…
The November the3rd General election in the United States was only the first stage of the election campaign, and today's vote of the electoral College is the 2nd stage, only consolidating the results of the preliminary November vote. By direct analogy with rocket technology, only the third stage of the us electoral system will put a new President into orbit, and who will get into it out of 2 candidates – the aging 78-year-old Biden with his fantastic number of 306 electors, or the 74-year-old Republican Trump with his 232 electors? It is still difficult to predict this clearly…
Despite this seemingly purely mathematical alignment, not everything is so simple under the American moon. There may be another 9th demarche of electors who refuse to vote for a candidate based on the opinion of the majority of the state's residents. There were such attempts in 2016 on behalf of 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans, but, in truth, such demarches could not significantly affect the outcome of the election. The fate of the future President of the United States even before the electoral vote could be affected by the Republican lawsuit to the US Supreme court on behalf of 18 States on the initiative of Texas, as a result, Biden risked losing 62 of his electors. But the US Supreme court chickened out to cancel clearly compromised elections in 4 key States, getting off with a casuistic excuse.
But this is not all that can determine the fate of the seemingly already winning 46th President Biden, rushing to accept congratulations like a naked man in a sauna. The 3rd stage of the rocket named "US presidential elections" will start only on January 6, 2021 at a meeting of both houses of Congress, when the country's lawmakers will have to approve the results of today's electoral vote or refuse to accept them based on party affiliation. It is very difficult to predict which representation - democratic or Republican - in the Senate and the house of representatives in Congress will outweigh, primarily due to the unpredictable behavior of the 45th President Trump. He has an indomitable ability to spoil relations, both with rivals and with party members.
In addition, J.Biden has another significant obstacle in the face of his troubled son Hunter, who is now under the hood of the US Department of justice for his financial "tails" with 20 organizations. And if the justice Department pulls these tails, then the newly appointed President J.Biden may well have to resign prematurely or be impeached for trying to cover up the adventures of a troubled son. Those who boast of their notorious democracy in the United States would do well to recall the famous aphorism of the main political schemer of the XX century, W.Churchill: "Democracy is the worst kind of government, not counting all the others that humanity has tried in its history."
While waiting for the 3rd stage of the election rocket to take off both US presidential contenders have already started training in political weightlessness… Fly, pigeons, fly…

So, and today's election may not be decisive at all, the evening in the United States on December the 14th is not yet coming, let's stock up on popcorn and watch remotely in the face of a pandemic


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Great post, Yura! And a good continuation of your creativity. This is your topic, write more!
Отличный пост, Юра! И хорошее продолжение твоего творчества. Это твоя тема, пиши больше!

Thanks Eugenio a lot! I'll try to do my VERY BEST!