I was a $300 test subject for the 17th letter of the Alphabet
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Screaming, Squealing Talons of Truth...
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Show Notes:
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Q-study Session #1 - Red Associates - Daily Eagle
This is an interview between Red Associates & Daily Eagle for a study titled "Disinformation & Media,” conducted on behalf of an unnamed Big tech client. Red Associates paid $100 per hour to discuss Q-An0n. This conversation took place on Tues., April 13, 2021 via Zoom. The firm does not appear to know or understand much at all about Q-an0n, and is simply making money off their client for this so-called "study." It is being uploaded here to satisfy the curiosity of any fellow Q-Tards who might be interested.
Greetings once again dear friends, and welcome back to another episode of Daily Eagle News: Your screaming squealing talons of truth! Well heck. Golly Gee and bless my heart, I do declare we're gosh darned friggin tickled pink to see you here; today is just about the last half hour of Tuesday, April 13 2021 It's been a while since we made a video and today we're talking about the great Q Tard Study of 2021. My buddy, Howie Nemaizer of Truth Talk News had called me up last week and said there were these people doing a study on, you know, well, this is a YouTube video, so we'll just say the 17th letter of the alphabet. And because we're not allowed to say that other word verboten. But you know what I'm talking about. Number 17 And they're doing a study and they're paying hundreds of dollars to talk to the Q-Tards, and find out something or other, that they're studying something anthropological or psychological. Anyways, so he gives me the number I call the guy up. Get this guy, Jacob from Red Associates, and I recorded that interview and I already have that up on all platforms such as bit shoot 3speak, Rumble, Odysee, and UGE, a UGEtube, like Bigley I'm talking BIGL, e anyways. So that's a half hour discussion and then. Today was a week. That was a week ago today, a young lady called me up and we had a discussion for about two hours and 20 minutes, of which I recorded almost all of it. So we'll leave that woman's name out of this discussion here because she didn't give permission to videotape her image on the Zoom call but made an audio recording so you can hear her voice and the question she asked me so I was being made, or offered to be paid $100 per hour so it's two or $300 to talk about Q per hour, which is a large amount of money to pay a Q-Tard. I'll tell you that so I don't really think that this is a completely straightforward, quote unquote study, because the girl knew nothing about Q so I don't know why you would pay all that money to interview cue cards and know nothing at all about the subjects. And the other thing is that they're only thoroughly interviewing 40 people so there's between three and 30 million cue cards. So why would they only interview 40 people. So there must be some ulterior it's my conclusion there's an ulterior motive to this thing, it's not just sitting the title was extensively called disinformation and media, but they didn't really ask a lot of questions about my web browsing habits or my sources either so I think there must have been some ulterior motive for the study, such as, to see how hard we tried to Red Pill them maybe or, is anyone who participates or just study would attempt to red pill, your interviewer or maybe they were trying to see how many would actually bring up certain points. I looked into the company a little bit and found out where they're located, and was able to learn a few interesting facts, during the interview itself, for instance, according to the young lady Jake, the initial the initiator of this of this interaction had studied witchcraft in college, which I think is kind of interesting. First of all, I don't think they teach witchcraft in college. I don't know of any accredited program that teaches witchcraft. But that's what she said. Also, there was interesting name that popped up as a company founder, which is obviously a fake name. So when I looked at the company itself. It seemed like a real company but it might not actually be a real company, because it didn't go very far back the history of this company. I don't know of too many Danish market research companies that have offices in downtown Manhattan in a Standard Oil building over by Bowling Green, you know, in the heart of the financial district would you call Rizal battery. Battery Park District would be that as it may, yeah and then you look at the stuff that they have on the website they have podcasts and books and like a Vimeo channel but it's not to look at the stuff they're talking about they're actually talking about a whole lot of nothing. It's almost as if it's an artificially created company. So, Anyways, since this is the special YouTube version. It's not the interview itself and it's not the intro discussion. So they're going to be three separate videos, this, this little bit here, and then we're going to do my conversation with Jake and then finally the two hour interview itself conversation with a young lady who doesn't know which one to quit about, about the 17th letter of the alphabet which we haven't mentioned here on YouTube, due to fascist censorship. Anyways, so yeah there was some other reason for this study I'm pretty sure nothing to do with the questions they were asking, they were like getting out something else. That's my take on the whole thing, and it's funny because you know the young lady was pretty easy to dock See, she's basically a Normie comes from a rich liberal family and probably went to a private school, studied, liberal arts, winds up in the financial district working for a sensibly Read Associates of. Ever heard of red associates, I don't know why they given out all this money, I personally, if I was doing a study on cue, I would give out $10 coupons to Pizza Hut or something and I would try to get a few 1000 I mean if there's three to 30 million cue cards out there you want to get more than 40 people to get a grip on what it's a very complicated subject I don't take people who are completely clueless and non red pilled to even touch this subject. So I'm going to put the show notes on hive as usual, where you're due to join the hive platform and to depart from the mainstream platforms. So go to alternative indelible blockchain. Social media spaces that do not censor and support constitution. Support your President Donald Trump and good old fashioned American family values, and everything will be just fine. Anyways, hope you enjoy the content. If it interests you, please like share subscribe and we'll catch you on the next video over Now one more thing. Be sure to check out. Latest Daily Eagle love special documentaries ones called Pedos of the Caribbean. We're working on part two to that called Once upon a time and Polanski would, and also have maximum waters the life and times of whistleblower Mike Lindell. Now, the late, Mike window he died last month, so we made a documentary about his conspiracy theories, all sorts of other fun stuff which you'll find, Oh Bitchute Rumble Odyssey LBRY 3speak, and UGEtube. And when I say UGE I mean Bigley. Take care and thanks for watching.
Original conversation with Jake of Red Associates:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/RHNxg84WR9hQ/ https://rumble.com/vffknh-big-tech-is-paying-anthropologists-to-study-q-tards-belief-patterns.html https://odysee.com/@dailyeagle:8/qtards:5 https://ugetube.com/watch/big-tech-is-paying-anthropologists-to-study-q-tards-039-belief-patterns_lLm7BJjqSBpRKcS.html
Media and disinformation project
Jacob McAuliffe [email protected]
Apr 6, 2021, 2:50 PM (5 days ago)
to me
Hey, Robert!
Thanks for chatting earlier today. Just following-up with the Zoom link for Tuesday and a few pre-interview questions.
We discussed meeting over Zoom at 4PM on Tuesday, April 9. Here’s my Zoom room: https://redassociates.zoom.us/j/9312014573?pwd=aHFvQTRDZGE3R0I3UElsYTJEdi9PQT09
It might be a good idea to bring some water, a cup of tea or coffee, or anything else that might make you comfortable during our chat. Of course, you should still absolutely feel free to get up, walk around, work on your cars — it’s a very informal session.
Some questions for you
Before our meeting, please send me a quick email answering the following questions. Feel free to just email your responses to me directly. These are to ensure I can tailor our meeting to your experiences. If you have questions or this takes too much time, just let me know.
What are 2 things that made you most convinced that Q was / might be real? (a FB post, a YouTube video, news coverage, etc.) Link to the specific thing, if you have it.
The time that the whole Q anon thing got started, it was about, almost a year into the first administration of President Donald Trump. So what I was looking at, at the time, was something that we today call p3do gate. But, just prior to the Q anon phenomenon. It was being called pizza gate. So there were some content creators, for example, David Seaman, and maybe Alex Jones also who were talking about some of the posts made on 4chan by the Q individual. But p3do gate as a topic of study goes back. 30 or 40 years to other scandals, including the Franklin Cover Up; the McMartin Preschool case. Jeffrey Epstein, and also the Jimmy Savile situation over in England, involving the royal family. Therefore because Q was discussing this p3do gate topic with an overlap of other current event type scandals and conspiracy theories, they would naturally come into my radar system as something to pay attention to. Additionally, Q quickly gathered up to 3 to 30 million followers, So that was another reason to pay attention to it, it was mainstreaming the “red pilling” of America and the world, during this very unique Trump presidency.
Conspiracy of Silence:
Anneke Lucas:
Dylan (Katie) Groves: Franklin Cover-Up: https://archive.org/details/pdfy-JUImyEgGzE-JEb6F https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_child_prostitution_ring_allegations https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:The_Franklin_Cover-up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM https://annekelucas.com/
The above referenced links are not an exhaustive list of p3do gate proofs. For me, even before my first SRA survivor came forward in real life, i was already looking into similar if not identical subjects. Therefore Q starts out talking about something which was being heavily censored, that I already knew was real. We can turn the question around, and ask: why don’t YOU already know about p3dogate, and why aren’t you speaking out?
The Q phenomenon through widespread awareness (red pilling) reaches a critical mass where jeffrey Epstein’s arrest becomes possible; harvey Weinstein is sentenced, the Clintons are disgraced, Peter Nygard, Sara Brnfman, Ghislaine Maxwell additionally are nabbed, for child sex trafficking. But it’s all just a “conspiracy theory,” right?...
Prior to Epstein’s arrest: PIZZAGATE HOWIE CONFRONTS BILL & HILLARY @ NYC BOOK TOUR KICKOFF EVENT APR. 11, 2019 BEACON THEATER https://www.bitchute.com/video/5HfqtZjzMwaZ/
Prior to Epstein’s arrest (shortly before Kappy dies): Isaac Kappy - Brackets and Jackets "Who else is Epstein" mix by Lead Finger: https://ugetube.com/watch/isaac-kappy-brackets-and-jackets-quot-who-else-is-epstein-quot-mix-by-lead-finger_sfm6nPYiWyM7upz.html
After Issac Kappy is “suicided:” Isaac Kappy - The Present (Official Lyric Video): https://ugetube.com/watch/isaac-kappy-the-present-official-lyric-video_WJegTDPq8Bt3IWm.html
What are 2 things that made you skeptical about something related to Q? Link to the specific example, if you have it.
Q had made one big mistake but I forgot what it was, reposted a phony meme a few years back. Also certain things weren’t coming true, until a few years went by, and the 1-, 2- & 3-year deltas started appearing, things got really interesting then, and influencers who were convinced it was fraud, came back around and began giving it more respect, e.g. Titus Frost. Aforesaid deltas were then corroborated by “future proves past.” Also all the overblown censorship efforts make you think twice, if it was just all a lie, like sasquatch, flat earth, astrology, why the big fuss?
When you were most into QAnon, where did you go to get your news, updates, or research?
That would be hard to go back & tell you, since big tech platforms like YT black-holed and “disappeared” those sources, there’s no trace of their existence anymore, people were not taking notes on their subscription lists because nobody imagined Google would go apeshit and delete everything. Yet they continue to allow child p0rn to stay online, see #ELSAGATE
When you were most into QAnon, where did you go or who did you talk to when you wanted to socialize about Q?
It’s kind of lonely being a Q-Tard, but Twitter was a good place to go, search for hashtag #WWG1WGA or #MAGA (before jack Dorsey went apeshit & started terminating accounts wholesale for any mention of Q). Once again, to turn the question around, what evidence is there anywhere that Q was “dangerous,” except for the few washed-up IMDB actors who made headlines in absurdly staged incidents?
Right now, what news source do you trust the most? Why?
Activistpost & Zerohedge, once again, #P3DO GATE coverage is a good barometer of veracity; we still use mainstream sources in attempt to get ideas across to Libtards, but that’s usually a pointless endeavor since they won’t listen anyway, no matter what you tell them, or which sources you cite.
Right now, what news source do you trust the least? Why?
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli
McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose
People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush
Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen
Reuters – Amanda Becker
Tina Brown – Tina Brown
The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai
Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+
Why did the Podesta Group close?
Public charges?
Note: We will never share your personal information from these e.g. your posts, username, messages, etc.
And last but not least…thank you so much for joining! I’m really looking forward to our chat :)
- Jake
ReD Associates
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Here's my old pal Howie, who introduced me to the Red Associates Q-Study:
Check out Truth Talk News here: https://truthtalknews.com/
The (original unedited) Present track by the late Isaac Kappy
see also: https://ugetube.com/watch/agH3KAaETMns3vd
Isaac Kappy - “The Present” (Awakening Edition) by Another Frog:
see also here (with lyrics): https://ugetube.com/watch/isaac-kappy-the-present-official-lyric-video_WJegTDPq8Bt3IWm.html and here:
Isaac Kappy - Brackets and Jackets "Who else is Epstein" mix by Lead Finger: https://ugetube.com/watch/isaac-kappy-brackets-and-jackets-quot-who-else-is-epstein-quot-mix-by-lead-finger_sfm6nPYiWyM7upz.html see also:
also here https://www.millennialmillie.com/post/psyop-the-steal
and here https://www.bitchute.com/video/kLBgBbjNnnY7/
also here: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/psyop-the-steal/
#1188 Is This REALLY Manson's Son?! Hear His Story MATTHEW ROBERTS - Travel Vlog (11/8/19) see also https://ugetube.com/watch/1188-is-this-really-manson-039-s-son-hear-his-story-matthew-roberts-travel-vlog-11-8-19_RZjGDc2XERkxEVl.html
Conspiracy of Silence (banned 1993 PEDOGATE documentary):
The Franklin Cover-Up (Nebraska PEDOGATE book):
Titus Frost recently on his channel did an in depth interview with 'Big Fish' @tremillion, The Comet Ping Pong Hacker that found a backdoor on the CPP site and discovered child pornography being traded over multiple worldwide servers. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DTrvnmdlBko/
Pegasus Video Removed Because of Alefantis Threats
see also: https://ugetube.com/watch/JYbfcHajn7VmXmy Active thread on Voat: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1541627
HoneyBee - The Truth Fairy: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gnZ0xHhp4tSq/
MOUTHYBUDDHA: https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/mouthybuddha/
JAMIE DLUX: https://rumble.com/c/DLUXNATION
RANDY "ROCKET" CODY: http://www.randyrocketcody.com/
Robert David Steele #UNRIG: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/oEqbnPG8c1fR/
Recent Documentaries by Daily Eagle News:
Got Koof? Try Pan-Genetic Gargle Blaster - Mostly Harmless to Humans
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P3D0s of the Caribbean - a New Perspective of Elite Private Islands
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MAXIMUM WATERS: The Life & Times of Whistleblower Mike Wendel
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